Interface XMLObjectBuilder<XMLObjectType extends XMLObject>

Type Parameters:
XMLObjectType - the XMLObject type that this builder produces
All Known Subinterfaces:
XMLEncryptionBuilder<XMLEncryptionType>, XMLSignatureBuilder<XMLSignatureType>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractXMLObjectBuilder, AgreementMethodBuilder, CarriedKeyNameBuilder, CipherDataBuilder, CipherReferenceBuilder, CipherValueBuilder, CryptoBinaryBuilder, DataReferenceBuilder, DHKeyValueBuilder, DigestMethodBuilder, DSAKeyValueBuilder, EncryptedDataBuilder, EncryptedKeyBuilder, EncryptionMethodBuilder, EncryptionPropertiesBuilder, EncryptionPropertyBuilder, ExponentBuilder, GBuilder, GeneratorBuilder, JBuilder, KANonceBuilder, KeyInfoBuilder, KeyNameBuilder, KeyReferenceBuilder, KeySizeBuilder, KeyValueBuilder, MgmtDataBuilder, ModulusBuilder, OAEPparamsBuilder, OriginatorKeyInfoBuilder, PBuilder, PBuilder, PgenCounterBuilder, PgenCounterBuilder, PGPDataBuilder, PGPKeyIDBuilder, PGPKeyPacketBuilder, PublicBuilder, QBuilder, QBuilder, RecipientKeyInfoBuilder, ReferenceListBuilder, RetrievalMethodBuilder, RSAKeyValueBuilder, SeedBuilder, SeedBuilder, SignatureBuilder, SPKIDataBuilder, SPKISexpBuilder, TransformBuilder, TransformsBuilder, TransformsBuilder, X509CertificateBuilder, X509CRLBuilder, X509DataBuilder, X509IssuerNameBuilder, X509IssuerSerialBuilder, X509SerialNumberBuilder, X509SKIBuilder, X509SubjectNameBuilder, XPathBuilder, XSAnyBuilder, XSBase64BinaryBuilder, XSDateTimeBuilder, XSIntegerBuilder, XSQNameBuilder, XSStringBuilder, XSURIBuilder, YBuilder

public interface XMLObjectBuilder<XMLObjectType extends XMLObject>

A builder for XMLObjects.

Method Summary
 XMLObjectType buildObject(Element element)
          Creates an XMLObject using information from the given DOM element.
 XMLObjectType buildObject(QName objectName)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.
 XMLObjectType buildObject(QName objectName, QName schemaType)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name and schema type.
 XMLObjectType buildObject(String namespaceURI, String localName, String namespacePrefix)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.
 XMLObjectType buildObject(String namespaceURI, String localName, String namespacePrefix, QName schemaType)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.

Method Detail


XMLObjectType buildObject(QName objectName)
Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.

objectName - fully qualified name of the object
the constructed XMLObject


XMLObjectType buildObject(QName objectName,
                          QName schemaType)
Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name and schema type.

objectName - fully qualified name of the object
schemaType - the schema type of the Element represented by this XMLObject
the constructed XMLObject


XMLObjectType buildObject(String namespaceURI,
                          String localName,
                          String namespacePrefix)
Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.

namespaceURI - the URI of the namespace the Element represented by this XMLObject will be in
localName - the local name of the Element represented by this XMLObject
namespacePrefix - the namespace prefix of the Element represented by this XMLObject
the constructed XMLObject


XMLObjectType buildObject(String namespaceURI,
                          String localName,
                          String namespacePrefix,
                          QName schemaType)
Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.

namespaceURI - the URI of the namespace the Element represented by this XMLObject will be in
localName - the local name of the Element represented by this XMLObject
namespacePrefix - the namespace prefix of the Element represented by this XMLObject
schemaType - the schema type of the Element represented by this XMLObject
the constructed XMLObject


XMLObjectType buildObject(Element element)
Creates an XMLObject using information from the given DOM element. This method must set the QName for the Element QName within the constructed XMLObject. This method is used by AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller.

element - the DOM Element containing information about the object to be built.
the constructed XMLObject

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