Interface Resolver<ProductType,CriteriaType>

Type Parameters:
ProductType - the type of objects produced by this resolver
CriteriaType - the type of criteria to process during resolution
All Known Subinterfaces:
CredentialResolver, KeyInfoCredentialResolver, PKIXValidationInformationResolver
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCredentialResolver, AbstractCriteriaFilteringCredentialResolver, BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver, ChainingCredentialResolver, CollectionCredentialResolver, CollectionKeyInfoCredentialResolver, FilesystemCredentialResolver, KeyStoreCredentialResolver, LocalKeyInfoCredentialResolver, StaticCredentialResolver, StaticKeyInfoCredentialResolver, StaticPKIXValidationInformationResolver

public interface Resolver<ProductType,CriteriaType>

Generic interface for resolvers which process specified criteria and produce some implementation-specific result information.

Method Summary
 Iterable<ProductType> resolve(CriteriaType criteria)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
 ProductType resolveSingle(CriteriaType criteria)
          Process the specified criteria and return a single instance of the product type which satisfies the criteria.

Method Detail


Iterable<ProductType> resolve(CriteriaType criteria)
                              throws SecurityException
Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.

criteria - the criteria to evaluate or process
instances which satisfy the criteria
SecurityException - thrown if there is an error processing the specified criteria


ProductType resolveSingle(CriteriaType criteria)
                          throws SecurityException
Process the specified criteria and return a single instance of the product type which satisfies the criteria. If multiple items satisfy the criteria, the choice of which single item to return is implementation-dependent.

criteria - the criteria to evaluate or process
instances which satisfy the criteria
SecurityException - thrown if there is an error processing the specified criteria

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