Class AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
      extended by org.opensaml.xml.signature.AbstractSignableXMLObject
          extended by org.opensaml.xml.AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject
All Implemented Interfaces:
SignableXMLObject, ValidatingXMLObject, XMLObject

public abstract class AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject
extends AbstractSignableXMLObject
implements ValidatingXMLObject

Extension of AbstractSignableXMLObject that implements ValidatingXMLObject.

Constructor Summary
protected AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject(String namespaceURI, String elementLocalName, String namespacePrefix)
Method Summary
 void deregisterValidator(Validator validator)
          Deregisters a validator for this XMLObject.
 List<Validator> getValidators()
          Gets the list of validators for this XMLObject or null if there is no list.
 void registerValidator(Validator validator)
          Registers a validator for this XMLObject.
 void validate(boolean validateDescendants)
          Validates this XMLObject against all registered validators.
protected  void validateChildren(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Recursive method used to validate all the children of the given XMLObject that implement ValidatingXMLObject.
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.signature.AbstractSignableXMLObject
getSignature, isSigned, setSignature
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, manageQualifiedAttributeNamespace, prepareAttributeValueForAssignment, prepareElementContentForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, registerOwnID, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, releaseThisAndChildrenDOM, releaseThisandParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setElementNamespacePrefix, setElementQName, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation, setSchemaType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getOrderedChildren, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject(String namespaceURI,
                                              String elementLocalName,
                                              String namespacePrefix)

namespaceURI - the namespace the element is in
elementLocalName - the local name of the XML element this Object represents
namespacePrefix - the prefix for the given namespace
Method Detail


public List<Validator> getValidators()
Gets the list of validators for this XMLObject or null if there is no list.

Specified by:
getValidators in interface ValidatingXMLObject
the list of validators for this XMLObject


public void registerValidator(Validator validator)
Registers a validator for this XMLObject.

Specified by:
registerValidator in interface ValidatingXMLObject
validator - the validator


public void deregisterValidator(Validator validator)
Deregisters a validator for this XMLObject.

Specified by:
deregisterValidator in interface ValidatingXMLObject
validator - the validator


public void validate(boolean validateDescendants)
              throws ValidationException
Validates this XMLObject against all registered validators.

Specified by:
validate in interface ValidatingXMLObject
validateDescendants - true if all the descendants of this object should be validated as well, false if not
ValidationException - thrown if the element is not valid


protected void validateChildren(XMLObject xmlObject)
                         throws ValidationException
Recursive method used to validate all the children of the given XMLObject that implement ValidatingXMLObject. Note, this can be a very expensive operation.

xmlObject - xmlObject whose descendants should be validated
ValidationException - thrown if one of the child objects do not validate

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