Class Configuration

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.Configuration

public class Configuration
extends Object

Class for loading library configuration files and retrieving the configured components.

Constructor Summary
protected Configuration()
Method Summary
static void deregisterIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
          Deregister an attribute as having a type of ID.
static void deregisterObjectProvider(QName key)
          Removes the builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller registered to the given key.
static void deregisterValidatorSuite(String suiteId)
          Removes a registered validator suite.
static XMLObjectBuilderFactory getBuilderFactory()
          Gets the XMLObject builder factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.
static QName getDefaultProviderQName()
          Gets the QName for the object provider that will be used for XMLObjects that do not have a registered object provider.
static SecurityConfiguration getGlobalSecurityConfiguration()
          Get the global security configuration.
static MarshallerFactory getMarshallerFactory()
          Gets the XMLObject marshaller factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.
static Element getObjectProviderConfiguration(QName qualifedName)
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement
static ParserPool getParserPool()
          Get the currently configured ParserPool instance.
static UnmarshallerFactory getUnmarshallerFactory()
          Gets the XMLObject unmarshaller factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.
static ValidatorSuite getValidatorSuite(String suiteId)
          Gets a configured ValidatorSuite by its ID.
static Element getValidatorSuiteConfiguration(String suiteId)
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement
static boolean isIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
          Determine whether a given attribute is registered as having an ID type.
static void registerIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
          Register an attribute as having a type of ID.
static void registerObjectProvider(QName providerName, XMLObjectBuilder builder, Marshaller marshaller, Unmarshaller unmarshaller)
          Adds an object provider to this configuration.
static void registerObjectProvider(QName providerName, XMLObjectBuilder builder, Marshaller marshaller, Unmarshaller unmarshaller, Element configuration)
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement
static void registerValidatorSuite(String suiteId, ValidatorSuite suite)
          Registers a configured validator suite.
static void registerValidatorSuite(String suiteId, ValidatorSuite suite, Element configuration)
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement
static void setGlobalSecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration config)
          Set the global security configuration.
static void setParserPool(ParserPool newParserPool)
          Set the currently configured ParserPool instance.
static boolean validateJCEProviders()
          Validates that the set of security providers configured in the JVM supports required cryptographic capabilities, for example for the XML Encryption and XML Signature specifications.
static void validateNonSunJAXP()
          Validates that the system is not using the horribly buggy Sun JAXP implementation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Configuration()

Method Detail


public static ParserPool getParserPool()
Get the currently configured ParserPool instance.

the currently ParserPool


public static void setParserPool(ParserPool newParserPool)
Set the currently configured ParserPool instance.

newParserPool - the new ParserPool instance to configure


public static QName getDefaultProviderQName()
Gets the QName for the object provider that will be used for XMLObjects that do not have a registered object provider.

the QName for the default object provider


public static void registerObjectProvider(QName providerName,
                                          XMLObjectBuilder builder,
                                          Marshaller marshaller,
                                          Unmarshaller unmarshaller)
Adds an object provider to this configuration.

providerName - the name of the object provider, corresponding to the element name or type name that the builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller operate on
builder - the builder for that given provider
marshaller - the marshaller for the provider
unmarshaller - the unmarshaller for the provider


public static void deregisterObjectProvider(QName key)
Removes the builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller registered to the given key.

key - the key of the builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller to be removed


public static XMLObjectBuilderFactory getBuilderFactory()
Gets the XMLObject builder factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.

the XMLObject builder factory


public static MarshallerFactory getMarshallerFactory()
Gets the XMLObject marshaller factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.

the XMLObject marshaller factory


public static UnmarshallerFactory getUnmarshallerFactory()
Gets the XMLObject unmarshaller factory that has been configured with information from loaded configuration files.

the XMLObject unmarshaller factory


public static void registerValidatorSuite(String suiteId,
                                          ValidatorSuite suite)
Registers a configured validator suite.

suiteId - the ID of the suite
suite - the configured suite


public static void deregisterValidatorSuite(String suiteId)
Removes a registered validator suite.

suiteId - the ID of the suite


public static ValidatorSuite getValidatorSuite(String suiteId)
Gets a configured ValidatorSuite by its ID.

suiteId - the suite's ID
the ValidatorSuite or null if no suite was registered under that ID


public static void registerIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
Register an attribute as having a type of ID.

attributeName - the QName of the ID attribute to be registered


public static void deregisterIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
Deregister an attribute as having a type of ID.

attributeName - the QName of the ID attribute to be de-registered


public static boolean isIDAttribute(QName attributeName)
Determine whether a given attribute is registered as having an ID type.

attributeName - the QName of the attribute to be checked for ID type.
true if attribute is registered as having an ID type.


public static SecurityConfiguration getGlobalSecurityConfiguration()
Get the global security configuration.

the global security configuration instance


public static void setGlobalSecurityConfiguration(SecurityConfiguration config)
Set the global security configuration.

config - the new global security configuration instance


public static void validateNonSunJAXP()
Validates that the system is not using the horribly buggy Sun JAXP implementation.


public static boolean validateJCEProviders()
Validates that the set of security providers configured in the JVM supports required cryptographic capabilities, for example for the XML Encryption and XML Signature specifications. Depending on the requirements of the calling code, failure to fully support encryption and signature requirements may or may not be significant, so return a status flag to let the caller make that determination.

false if one or more capablities are not present, otherwise true


public static void registerObjectProvider(QName providerName,
                                          XMLObjectBuilder builder,
                                          Marshaller marshaller,
                                          Unmarshaller unmarshaller,
                                          Element configuration)
Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement

Adds an object provider to this configuration.

providerName - the name of the object provider, corresponding to the element name or type name that the builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller operate on
builder - the builder for that given provider
marshaller - the marshaller for the provider
unmarshaller - the unmarshaller for the provider
configuration - optional XML configuration snippet


public static Element getObjectProviderConfiguration(QName qualifedName)
Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement

Gets a clone of the configuration element for a qualified element. Note that this configuration reflects the state of things as they were when the configuration was loaded, applications may have programmatically removed builder, marshallers, and unmarshallers during runtime.

qualifedName - the namespace qualifed element name of the schema type of the object provider
the object provider configuration element or null if no object provider is configured with that name


public static void registerValidatorSuite(String suiteId,
                                          ValidatorSuite suite,
                                          Element configuration)
Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement

Registers a configured validator suite.

suiteId - the ID of the suite
suite - the configured suite
configuration - optional XML configuration information


public static Element getValidatorSuiteConfiguration(String suiteId)
Deprecated. this method is deprecated with no replacement

Gets a clone of the ValidatorSuite configuration element for the ID. Note that this configuration reflects the state of things as they were when the configuration was loaded, applications may have programmatically removed altered the suite during runtime.

suiteId - the ID of the ValidatorSuite whose configuration is to be retrieved
the validator suite configuration element or null if no suite is configured with that ID

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