Uses of Interface

Packages that use P
org.opensaml.xml.encryption XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing encrypted content and encrypting/decrypting content. 
org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML encryption types. 

Uses of P in org.opensaml.xml.encryption

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption that return P
 P DHKeyValue.getP()
          Get the P child element.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption with parameters of type P
 void DHKeyValue.setP(P newP)
          Set the P child element.

Uses of P in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl

Classes in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl that implement P
 class PImpl
          Concrete implementation of P

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl that return P
 P PBuilder.buildObject()
          Builds an XMLObject using the default name and namespace information provided XML Encryption specifications.
 P PBuilder.buildObject(String namespaceURI, String localName, String namespacePrefix)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.
 P DHKeyValueImpl.getP()
          Get the P child element.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl with parameters of type P
 void DHKeyValueImpl.setP(P newP)
          Set the P child element.

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