Class CipherDataImpl

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
      extended by org.opensaml.xml.validation.AbstractValidatingXMLObject
          extended by org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl.CipherDataImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
CipherData, ValidatingXMLObject, XMLObject

public class CipherDataImpl
extends AbstractValidatingXMLObject
implements CipherData

Concrete implementation of CipherData.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.encryption.CipherData
Constructor Summary
protected CipherDataImpl(String namespaceURI, String elementLocalName, String namespacePrefix)
Method Summary
 CipherReference getCipherReference()
          Get the CipherReference which points to the location encrypted data.
 CipherValue getCipherValue()
          Get the base64-encoded data representing the the encrypted form of the plaintext data.
 List<XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()
          Gets an unmodifiable list of child elements in the order that they will appear in the DOM.
 void setCipherReference(CipherReference newCipherReference)
          Get the CipherReference which points to the location encrypted data.
 void setCipherValue(CipherValue newCipherValue)
          Set the base64-encoded data representing the the encrypted form of the plaintext data.
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.validation.AbstractValidatingXMLObject
deregisterValidator, getValidators, registerValidator, validate, validateChildren
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.xml.AbstractXMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, manageQualifiedAttributeNamespace, prepareAttributeValueForAssignment, prepareElementContentForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, prepareForAssignment, registerOwnID, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, releaseThisAndChildrenDOM, releaseThisandParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setElementNamespacePrefix, setElementQName, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation, setSchemaType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.validation.ValidatingXMLObject
deregisterValidator, getValidators, registerValidator, validate
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject
addNamespace, detach, getDOM, getElementQName, getIDIndex, getNamespaceManager, getNamespaces, getNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, getParent, getSchemaLocation, getSchemaType, hasChildren, hasParent, isNil, isNilXSBoolean, releaseChildrenDOM, releaseDOM, releaseParentDOM, removeNamespace, resolveID, resolveIDFromRoot, setDOM, setNil, setNil, setNoNamespaceSchemaLocation, setParent, setSchemaLocation

Constructor Detail


protected CipherDataImpl(String namespaceURI,
                         String elementLocalName,
                         String namespacePrefix)

namespaceURI - namespace URI
elementLocalName - local name
namespacePrefix - namespace prefix
Method Detail


public CipherValue getCipherValue()
Get the base64-encoded data representing the the encrypted form of the plaintext data.

Specified by:
getCipherValue in interface CipherData
base64-encoded encrypted value


public void setCipherValue(CipherValue newCipherValue)
Set the base64-encoded data representing the the encrypted form of the plaintext data.

Specified by:
setCipherValue in interface CipherData
newCipherValue - the new base64-encoded encrypted data


public CipherReference getCipherReference()
Get the CipherReference which points to the location encrypted data.

Specified by:
getCipherReference in interface CipherData
CipherReference child element representing the encrypted data


public void setCipherReference(CipherReference newCipherReference)
Get the CipherReference which points to the location encrypted data.

Specified by:
setCipherReference in interface CipherData
newCipherReference - the new CipherReference child element


public List<XMLObject> getOrderedChildren()
Gets an unmodifiable list of child elements in the order that they will appear in the DOM.

Specified by:
getOrderedChildren in interface XMLObject
ordered list of child elements

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