Uses of Class

Packages that use XSBooleanValue
org.opensaml.xml Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library. 
org.opensaml.xml.schema Interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML schema types. 

Uses of XSBooleanValue in org.opensaml.xml

Methods in org.opensaml.xml that return XSBooleanValue
 XSBooleanValue XMLObject.isNilXSBoolean()
          Gets whether the object declares that its element content is null, which corresponds to an xsi:nil attribute of true.
 XSBooleanValue AbstractXMLObject.isNilXSBoolean()
          Gets whether the object declares that its element content is null, which corresponds to an xsi:nil attribute of true.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml with parameters of type XSBooleanValue
 void XMLObject.setNil(XSBooleanValue newNil)
          Sets whether the object declares that its element content is null, which corresponds to an xsi:nil attribute of true.
 void AbstractXMLObject.setNil(XSBooleanValue newNil)
          Sets whether the object declares that its element content is null, which corresponds to an xsi:nil attribute of true.

Uses of XSBooleanValue in org.opensaml.xml.schema

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.schema that return XSBooleanValue
 XSBooleanValue XSBoolean.getValue()
          Returns the XSBooleanValue value.
static XSBooleanValue XSBooleanValue.valueOf(String booleanString)
          Parses a string meant to represent a boolean.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.schema with parameters of type XSBooleanValue
 void XSBoolean.setValue(XSBooleanValue value)
          Sets the XSBooleanValue value.

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