Uses of Interface

Packages that use X509IssuerSerial Interfaces and classes for working with XML KeyInfo elements. Specific implementations of KeyInfoProvider
org.opensaml.xml.signature XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing digitally signed content and signing/validating content. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML signature types. 

Uses of X509IssuerSerial in

Methods in that return X509IssuerSerial
static X509IssuerSerial KeyInfoHelper.buildX509IssuerSerial(String issuerName, BigInteger serialNumber)
          Build an X509IssuerSerial containing a given issuer name and serial number.

Uses of X509IssuerSerial in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type X509IssuerSerial
protected  X509Certificate InlineX509DataProvider.findCertFromIssuerSerials(List<X509Certificate> certs, List<X509IssuerSerial> serials)
          Find the certificate from the chain identified by one of the specified issuer serials.

Uses of X509IssuerSerial in org.opensaml.xml.signature

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature that return types with arguments of type X509IssuerSerial
 List<X509IssuerSerial> X509Data.getX509IssuerSerials()
          Get the list of X509IssuerSerial child elements.

Uses of X509IssuerSerial in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl

Classes in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl that implement X509IssuerSerial
 class X509IssuerSerialImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509IssuerSerial

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl that return X509IssuerSerial
 X509IssuerSerial X509IssuerSerialBuilder.buildObject()
          Builds an XMLObject using the default name and namespace information provided XML Signature specifications.
 X509IssuerSerial X509IssuerSerialBuilder.buildObject(String namespaceURI, String localName, String namespacePrefix)
          Creates an XMLObject with a given fully qualified name.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl that return types with arguments of type X509IssuerSerial
 List<X509IssuerSerial> X509DataImpl.getX509IssuerSerials()
          Get the list of X509IssuerSerial child elements.

Uses of X509IssuerSerial in org.opensaml.xml.signature.validator

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature.validator with parameters of type X509IssuerSerial
 void X509IssuerSerialSchemaValidator.validate(X509IssuerSerial xmlObject)
          Checks to see if a XMLObject is valid.
protected  void X509IssuerSerialSchemaValidator.validateChildrenPresence(X509IssuerSerial xmlObject)
          Validate that exactly one child is present.

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