Class Encrypter

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.encryption.Encrypter

public class Encrypter
extends Object

Supports encryption of XMLObjects, their content and keys, according to the XML Encryption specification, version 20021210.

Various overloaded method variants are supplied for encrypting XMLObjects and their contents (with or without encryption of the associated data encryption key), as well as for encrypting keys separately.

The parameters for data encryption are specified with an instance of EncryptionParameters. The parameters for key encryption are specified with one or more instances of KeyEncryptionParameters.

The data encryption credential supplied by EncryptionParameters.getEncryptionCredential() is mandatory unless key encryption is also being performed and all associated key encryption parameters contain a valid key encryption credential containing a valid key encryption key. In this case the data encryption key will be randomly generated based on the algorithm URI supplied by EncryptionParameters.getAlgorithm().

If encryption of the data encryption key is being performed using the overloaded methods for elements or content, the resulting EncryptedKey(s) will be placed inline within the KeyInfo of the resulting EncryptedData. If this is not the desired behavior, the XMLObject and the data encryption key should be encrypted separately, and the placement of EncryptedKey(s) handled by the caller. Specialized subclasses of this class maybe also handle key placement in an application-specific manner.

Field Summary
private  Unmarshaller encryptedDataUnmarshaller
          Unmarshaller used to create EncryptedData objects from DOM element.
private  Unmarshaller encryptedKeyUnmarshaller
          Unmarshaller used to create EncryptedData objects from DOM element.
private  String jcaProviderName
          The name of the JCA security provider to use.
private  XMLSignatureBuilder<KeyInfo> keyInfoBuilder
          Builder instance for building KeyInfo objects.
private  Logger log
          Class logger.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void checkAndMarshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Ensure that the XMLObject is marshalled.
protected  void checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Check data encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
protected  void checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Check the encryption parameters and key encryption parameters for valid combinations of options.
protected  void checkParams(KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, boolean allowEmpty)
          Check key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
protected  void checkParams(List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, boolean allowEmpty)
          Check a list of key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
 EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject.
 EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.
 EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.
private  EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, boolean encryptContentMode)
          Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag.
protected  EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, boolean encryptContentMode)
          Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag.
 EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject.
 EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..
 EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..
 EncryptedKey encryptKey(Key key, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key.
protected  EncryptedKey encryptKey(Key targetKey, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key using the specified encryption key and algorithm URI.
 List<EncryptedKey> encryptKey(Key key, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key once for each key encryption parameters set that is supplied.
protected  SecretKey generateEncryptionKey(String encryptionAlgorithmURI)
          Generate a random symmetric encryption key.
 String getJCAProviderName()
          Get the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) security provider name that should be used to provide the encryption support.
protected  void postProcessApacheEncryptedKey(EncryptedKey apacheEncryptedKey, Key targetKey, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, Document containingDocument)
          Post-process the Apache EncryptedKey, prior to marshalling to DOM and unmarshalling into an XMLObject.
 void setJCAProviderName(String providerName)
          Set the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) security provider name that should be used to provide the encryption support.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final Logger log
Class logger.


private Unmarshaller encryptedDataUnmarshaller
Unmarshaller used to create EncryptedData objects from DOM element.


private Unmarshaller encryptedKeyUnmarshaller
Unmarshaller used to create EncryptedData objects from DOM element.


private XMLSignatureBuilder<KeyInfo> keyInfoBuilder
Builder instance for building KeyInfo objects.


private String jcaProviderName
The name of the JCA security provider to use.

Constructor Detail


public Encrypter()

Method Detail


public String getJCAProviderName()
Get the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) security provider name that should be used to provide the encryption support. Defaults to null, which means that the first registered provider which supports the requested encryption algorithm URI will be used.

the JCA provider name to use


public void setJCAProviderName(String providerName)
Set the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) security provider name that should be used to provide the encryption support. Defaults to null, which means that the first registered provider which supports the requested encryption algorithm URI will be used.

providerName - the JCA provider name to use


public EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                    EncryptionParameters encParams)
                             throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                    EncryptionParameters encParams,
                                    KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
                             throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
kekParams - parameters for encrypting the encryption key
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                    EncryptionParameters encParams,
                                    List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
                             throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
kekParamsList - parameters for encrypting the encryption key
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                           EncryptionParameters encParams)
                                    throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                           EncryptionParameters encParams,
                                           KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
                                    throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
kekParams - parameters for encrypting the encryption key
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedData encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                           EncryptionParameters encParams,
                                           List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
                                    throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - parameters for encrypting the data
kekParamsList - parameters for encrypting the encryption key
the resulting EncryptedData element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public List<EncryptedKey> encryptKey(Key key,
                                     List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList,
                                     Document containingDocument)
                              throws EncryptionException
Encrypts a key once for each key encryption parameters set that is supplied.

key - the key to encrypt
kekParamsList - a list parameters for encrypting the key
containingDocument - the document that will own the DOM element underlying the resulting EncryptedKey objects
the resulting list of EncryptedKey objects
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


public EncryptedKey encryptKey(Key key,
                               KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams,
                               Document containingDocument)
                        throws EncryptionException
Encrypts a key.

key - the key to encrypt
kekParams - parameters for encrypting the key
containingDocument - the document that will own the DOM element underlying the resulting EncryptedKey object
the resulting EncryptedKey object
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


protected EncryptedKey encryptKey(Key targetKey,
                                  Key encryptionKey,
                                  String encryptionAlgorithmURI,
                                  Document containingDocument)
                           throws EncryptionException
Encrypts a key using the specified encryption key and algorithm URI.

targetKey - the key to encrypt
encryptionKey - the key with which to encrypt the target key
encryptionAlgorithmURI - the XML Encryption algorithm URI corresponding to the encryption key
containingDocument - the document that will own the resulting element
the new EncryptedKey object
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


protected void postProcessApacheEncryptedKey(EncryptedKey apacheEncryptedKey,
                                             Key targetKey,
                                             Key encryptionKey,
                                             String encryptionAlgorithmURI,
                                             Document containingDocument)
                                      throws EncryptionException
Post-process the Apache EncryptedKey, prior to marshalling to DOM and unmarshalling into an XMLObject.

apacheEncryptedKey - the Apache EncryptedKeyObject to post-process
targetKey - the key to encrypt
encryptionKey - the key with which to encrypt the target key
encryptionAlgorithmURI - the XML Encryption algorithm URI corresponding to the encryption key
containingDocument - the document that will own the resulting element
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


protected EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                       Key encryptionKey,
                                       String encryptionAlgorithmURI,
                                       boolean encryptContentMode)
                                throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encryptionKey - the key with which to encrypt the XMLObject
encryptionAlgorithmURI - the XML Encryption algorithm URI corresponding to the encryption key
encryptContentMode - whether just the content of the XMLObject should be encrypted
the resulting EncryptedData object
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


private EncryptedData encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject,
                                     EncryptionParameters encParams,
                                     List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList,
                                     boolean encryptContentMode)
                              throws EncryptionException
Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag. EncryptedKeys, if any, are placed inline within the KeyInfo of the resulting EncryptedData.

xmlObject - the XMLObject to be encrypted
encParams - the encryption parameters to use
kekParamsList - the key encryption parameters to use
encryptContentMode - whether just the content of the XMLObject should be encrypted
the resulting EncryptedData object
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


protected void checkAndMarshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
                         throws EncryptionException
Ensure that the XMLObject is marshalled.

xmlObject - the object to check and marshall
EncryptionException - thrown if there is an error when marshalling the XMLObject


protected void checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams)
                    throws EncryptionException
Check data encryption parameters for consistency and required values.

encParams - the data encryption parameters to check
EncryptionException - thrown if any parameters are missing or have invalid values


protected void checkParams(KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams,
                           boolean allowEmpty)
                    throws EncryptionException
Check key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.

kekParams - the key encryption parameters to check
allowEmpty - if false, a null parameter is treated as an error
EncryptionException - thrown if any parameters are missing or have invalid values


protected void checkParams(List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList,
                           boolean allowEmpty)
                    throws EncryptionException
Check a list of key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.

kekParamsList - the key encryption parameters list to check
allowEmpty - if false, a null or empty list is treated as an error
EncryptionException - thrown if any parameters are missing or have invalid values


protected void checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams,
                           List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
                    throws EncryptionException
Check the encryption parameters and key encryption parameters for valid combinations of options.

encParams - the encryption parameters to use
kekParamsList - the key encryption parameters to use
EncryptionException - exception thrown on encryption errors


protected SecretKey generateEncryptionKey(String encryptionAlgorithmURI)
                                   throws EncryptionException
Generate a random symmetric encryption key.

encryptionAlgorithmURI - the encryption algorithm URI
a randomly generated symmetric key
EncryptionException - thrown if the key can not be generated based on the specified algorithm URI

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