Class XMLHelper

  extended by org.opensaml.xml.util.XMLHelper

public final class XMLHelper
extends Object

A helper class for working with W3C DOM objects.

Field Summary
private static DatatypeFactory dataTypeFactory
          JAXP DatatypeFactory.
          A string which contains the valid delimiters for the XML Schema 'list' type.
private static Map<String,Object> prettyPrintParams
          DOM configuration parameters used by LSSerializer in pretty print format output.
Constructor Summary
private XMLHelper()
Method Summary
static void adoptElement(Element adoptee, Document adopter)
          Adopts an element into a document if the child is not already in the document.
static void appendChildElement(Element parentElement, Element childElement)
          Appends the child Element to the parent Element, adopting the child Element into the parent's Document if needed.
static void appendNamespaceDeclaration(Element domElement, String namespaceURI, String prefix)
          Adds a namespace declaration (xmlns:) attribute to the given element.
static void appendTextContent(Element domElement, String textContent)
          Creates a text node with the given content and appends it as child to the given element.
static Attr constructAttribute(Document owningDocument, QName attributeName)
          Constructs an attribute owned by the given document with the given name.
static Attr constructAttribute(Document document, String namespaceURI, String localName, String prefix)
          Constructs an attribute owned by the given document with the given name.
static Element constructElement(Document document, QName elementName)
          Constructs an element, rooted in the given document, with the given name.
static Element constructElement(Document document, String namespaceURI, String localName, String prefix)
          Constructs an element, rooted in the given document, with the given information.
static QName constructQName(String qname, Element owningElement)
          Constructs a QName from a string (attribute element content) value.
static QName constructQName(String namespaceURI, String localName, String prefix)
          Constructs a QName.
static QName constructQName(String qname, XMLObject owningObject)
          Constructs a QName from a string (attribute or element content) value.
static long durationToLong(String duration)
          Converts a lexical duration, as defined by XML Schema 1.0, into milliseconds.
static Boolean getAttributeValueAsBoolean(Attr attribute)
          Parses the attribute's value.
static List<String> getAttributeValueAsList(Attr attribute)
          Gets the value of a list-type attribute as a list.
static QName getAttributeValueAsQName(Attr attribute)
          Constructs a QName from an attributes value.
static Map<QName,List<Element>> getChildElements(Element root)
          Gets the child elements of the given element in a single iteration.
static List<Element> getChildElementsByTagName(Element root, String localName)
          Gets the child nodes with the given local tag name.
static List<Element> getChildElementsByTagNameNS(Element root, String namespaceURI, String localName)
          Gets the child nodes with the given namespace qualified tag name.
static DatatypeFactory getDataTypeFactory()
          Gets a static instance of a JAXP DatatypeFactory.
static Element getElementAncestor(Node currentNode)
          Gets the ancestor element node to the given node.
static List<String> getElementContentAsList(Element element)
          Gets the value of a list-type element as a list.
static QName getElementContentAsQName(Element element)
          Constructs a QName from an element's adjacent Text child nodes.
static Element getFirstChildElement(Node n)
          Gets the first child Element of the node, skipping any Text nodes such as whitespace.
static Attr getIdAttribute(Element domElement)
          Gets the ID attribute of a DOM element.
static Locale getLanguage(Element element)
          Gets the lcoale currently active for the element.
static DOMImplementationLS getLSDOMImpl(Node node)
          Get the DOM Level 3 Load/Save DOMImplementationLS for the given node.
static LSSerializer getLSSerializer(DOMImplementationLS domImplLS, Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
          Obtain a the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer LSSerializer instance from the given DOMImplementationLS instance.
static Element getNextSiblingElement(Node n)
          Gets the next sibling Element of the node, skipping any Text nodes such as whitespace.
static QName getNodeQName(Node domNode)
          Gets the QName for the given DOM node.
private static Map<String,Object> getPrettyPrintParams()
          Create the parameters set used in pretty print formatting of an LSSerializer.
static QName getXSIType(Element e)
          Gets the XSI type for a given element if it has one.
static boolean hasXSIType(Element e)
          Checks if the given element has an xsi:type defined for it.
static boolean isElementNamed(Element e, String ns, String localName)
          Shortcut for checking a DOM element node's namespace and local name.
static String longToDuration(long duration)
          Converts a duration in milliseconds to a lexical duration, as defined by XML Schema 1.0.
static String lookupNamespaceURI(Element startingElement, Element stopingElement, String prefix)
          Looks up the namespace URI associated with the given prefix starting at the given element.
static String lookupNamespaceURI(Element startingElement, String prefix)
          Looks up the namespace URI associated with the given prefix starting at the given element.
static String lookupPrefix(Element startingElement, Element stopingElement, String namespaceURI)
          Looks up the namespace prefix associated with the given URI starting at the given element.
static String lookupPrefix(Element startingElement, String namespaceURI)
          Looks up the namespace prefix associated with the given URI starting at the given element.
static void marshallAttribute(QName attributeName, List<String> attributeValues, Element domElement, boolean isIDAttribute)
          Marshall an attribute name and value to a DOM Element.
static void marshallAttribute(QName attributeName, String attributeValue, Element domElement, boolean isIDAttribute)
          Marshall an attribute name and value to a DOM Element.
static void marshallAttributeMap(AttributeMap attributeMap, Element domElement)
          Marshall the attributes represented by the indicated AttributeMap into the indicated DOM Element.
static String nodeToString(Node node)
          Converts a Node into a String using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.
static String prettyPrintXML(Node node)
          Pretty prints the XML node.
static String qnameToContentString(QName qname)
          Converts a QName into a string that can be used for attribute values or element content.
static void rootNamespaces(Element domElement)
          Ensures that all the visibly used namespaces referenced by the given Element or its descendants are declared by the given Element or one of its descendants.
private static void rootNamespaces(Element domElement, Element upperNamespaceSearchBound)
          Recursively called function that ensures all the visibly used namespaces referenced by the given Element or its descendants are declared if they don't appear in the list of already resolved namespaces.
static void unmarshallToAttributeMap(AttributeMap attributeMap, Attr attribute)
          Unmarshall a DOM Attr to an AttributeMap.
static void writeNode(Node node, OutputStream output)
          Writes a Node out to an OutputStream using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.
static void writeNode(Node node, OutputStream output, Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
          Writes a Node out to an OutputStream using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.
static void writeNode(Node node, Writer output)
          Writes a Node out to a Writer using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.
static void writeNode(Node node, Writer output, Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
          Writes a Node out to a Writer using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String LIST_DELIMITERS
A string which contains the valid delimiters for the XML Schema 'list' type. These are: space, newline, carriage return, and tab.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static Map<String,Object> prettyPrintParams
DOM configuration parameters used by LSSerializer in pretty print format output.


private static DatatypeFactory dataTypeFactory
JAXP DatatypeFactory.

Constructor Detail


private XMLHelper()

Method Detail


public static DatatypeFactory getDataTypeFactory()
Gets a static instance of a JAXP DatatypeFactory.

the factory or null if the factory could not be created


public static boolean hasXSIType(Element e)
Checks if the given element has an xsi:type defined for it.

e - the DOM element
true if there is a type, false if not


public static QName getXSIType(Element e)
Gets the XSI type for a given element if it has one.

e - the element
the type or null


public static Attr getIdAttribute(Element domElement)
Gets the ID attribute of a DOM element.

domElement - the DOM element
the ID attribute or null if there isn't one


public static QName getNodeQName(Node domNode)
Gets the QName for the given DOM node.

domNode - the DOM node
the QName for the element or null if the element was null


public static Locale getLanguage(Element element)
Gets the lcoale currently active for the element. This is done by looking for an xml:lang attribute and parsing its content. If no xml:lang attribute is present the default locale is returned. This method only uses the language primary tag, as defined by RFC3066.

element - element to retrieve local information for
the active local of the element


public static Attr constructAttribute(Document owningDocument,
                                      QName attributeName)
Constructs an attribute owned by the given document with the given name.

owningDocument - the owning document
attributeName - the name of that attribute
the constructed attribute


public static Attr constructAttribute(Document document,
                                      String namespaceURI,
                                      String localName,
                                      String prefix)
Constructs an attribute owned by the given document with the given name.

document - the owning document
namespaceURI - the URI for the namespace the attribute is in
localName - the local name
prefix - the prefix of the namespace that attribute is in
the constructed attribute


public static QName getAttributeValueAsQName(Attr attribute)
Constructs a QName from an attributes value.

attribute - the attribute with a QName value
a QName from an attributes value, or null if the given attribute is null


public static Boolean getAttributeValueAsBoolean(Attr attribute)
Parses the attribute's value. If the value is 0 or "false" then false is returned, if the value is 1 or "true" then true is returned, if the value is anything else then null returned.

attribute - attribute whose value will be converted to a boolean
boolean value of the attribute or null


public static List<String> getAttributeValueAsList(Attr attribute)
Gets the value of a list-type attribute as a list.

attribute - attribute whose value will be turned into a list
list of values, never null


public static void marshallAttribute(QName attributeName,
                                     String attributeValue,
                                     Element domElement,
                                     boolean isIDAttribute)
Marshall an attribute name and value to a DOM Element. This is particularly useful for attributes whose names appear in namespace-qualified form.

attributeName - the attribute name in QName form
attributeValue - the attribute value
domElement - the target element to which to marshall
isIDAttribute - flag indicating whether the attribute being marshalled should be handled as an ID-typed attribute


public static void marshallAttribute(QName attributeName,
                                     List<String> attributeValues,
                                     Element domElement,
                                     boolean isIDAttribute)
Marshall an attribute name and value to a DOM Element. This is particularly useful for attributes whose names appear in namespace-qualified form.

attributeName - the attribute name in QName form
attributeValues - the attribute values
domElement - the target element to which to marshall
isIDAttribute - flag indicating whether the attribute being marshalled should be handled as an ID-typed attribute


public static void marshallAttributeMap(AttributeMap attributeMap,
                                        Element domElement)
Marshall the attributes represented by the indicated AttributeMap into the indicated DOM Element.

attributeMap - the AttributeMap
domElement - the target Element


public static void unmarshallToAttributeMap(AttributeMap attributeMap,
                                            Attr attribute)
Unmarshall a DOM Attr to an AttributeMap.

attributeMap - the target AttributeMap
attribute - the target DOM Attr


public static QName getElementContentAsQName(Element element)
Constructs a QName from an element's adjacent Text child nodes.

element - the element with a QName value
a QName from an element's value, or null if the given element is empty


public static List<String> getElementContentAsList(Element element)
Gets the value of a list-type element as a list.

element - element whose value will be turned into a list
list of values, never null


public static QName constructQName(String namespaceURI,
                                   String localName,
                                   String prefix)
Constructs a QName.

namespaceURI - the namespace of the QName
localName - the local name of the QName
prefix - the prefix of the QName, may be null
the QName


public static QName constructQName(String qname,
                                   XMLObject owningObject)
Constructs a QName from a string (attribute or element content) value.

qname - the QName string
owningObject - XMLObject, with cached DOM, owning the QName
the QName respresented by the string


public static QName constructQName(String qname,
                                   Element owningElement)
Constructs a QName from a string (attribute element content) value.

qname - the QName string
owningElement - parent DOM element of the Node which contains the QName value
the QName respresented by the string


public static Element constructElement(Document document,
                                       QName elementName)
Constructs an element, rooted in the given document, with the given name.

document - the document containing the element
elementName - the name of the element, must contain a local name, may contain a namespace URI and prefix
the element


public static Element constructElement(Document document,
                                       String namespaceURI,
                                       String localName,
                                       String prefix)
Constructs an element, rooted in the given document, with the given information.

document - the document containing the element
namespaceURI - the URI of the namespace the element is in
localName - the element's local name
prefix - the prefix of the namespace the element is in
the element


public static void appendChildElement(Element parentElement,
                                      Element childElement)
Appends the child Element to the parent Element, adopting the child Element into the parent's Document if needed.

parentElement - the parent Element
childElement - the child Element


public static void adoptElement(Element adoptee,
                                Document adopter)
Adopts an element into a document if the child is not already in the document.

adoptee - the element to be adopted
adopter - the document into which the element is adopted


public static void appendTextContent(Element domElement,
                                     String textContent)
Creates a text node with the given content and appends it as child to the given element.

domElement - the element to recieve the text node
textContent - the content for the text node


public static void appendNamespaceDeclaration(Element domElement,
                                              String namespaceURI,
                                              String prefix)
Adds a namespace declaration (xmlns:) attribute to the given element.

domElement - the element to add the attribute to
namespaceURI - the URI of the namespace
prefix - the prefix for the namespace


public static String lookupNamespaceURI(Element startingElement,
                                        String prefix)
Looks up the namespace URI associated with the given prefix starting at the given element. This method differs from the Node.lookupNamespaceURI(java.lang.String) in that it only those namespaces declared by an xmlns attribute are inspected. The Node method also checks the namespace a particular node was created in by way of a call like Document.createElementNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) even if the resulting element doesn't have an namespace delcaration attribute.

startingElement - the starting element
prefix - the prefix to look up
the namespace URI for the given prefix


public static String lookupNamespaceURI(Element startingElement,
                                        Element stopingElement,
                                        String prefix)
Looks up the namespace URI associated with the given prefix starting at the given element. This method differs from the Node.lookupNamespaceURI(java.lang.String) in that it only those namespaces declared by an xmlns attribute are inspected. The Node method also checks the namespace a particular node was created in by way of a call like Document.createElementNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) even if the resulting element doesn't have an namespace delcaration attribute.

startingElement - the starting element
stopingElement - the ancestor of the starting element that serves as the upper-bound, inclusive, for the search
prefix - the prefix to look up
the namespace URI for the given prefer or null


public static String lookupPrefix(Element startingElement,
                                  String namespaceURI)
Looks up the namespace prefix associated with the given URI starting at the given element. This method differs from the Node.lookupPrefix(java.lang.String) in that it only those namespaces declared by an xmlns attribute are inspected. The Node method also checks the namespace a particular node was created in by way of a call like Document.createElementNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) even if the resulting element doesn't have an namespace delcaration attribute.

startingElement - the starting element
namespaceURI - the uri to look up
the prefix for the given namespace URI


public static String lookupPrefix(Element startingElement,
                                  Element stopingElement,
                                  String namespaceURI)
Looks up the namespace prefix associated with the given URI starting at the given element. This method differs from the Node.lookupPrefix(java.lang.String) in that it only those namespaces declared by an xmlns attribute are inspected. The Node method also checks the namespace a particular node was created in by way of a call like Document.createElementNS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) even if the resulting element doesn't have an namespace delcaration attribute.

startingElement - the starting element
stopingElement - the ancestor of the starting element that serves as the upper-bound, inclusive, for the search
namespaceURI - the uri to look up
the prefix for the given namespace URI


public static List<Element> getChildElementsByTagNameNS(Element root,
                                                        String namespaceURI,
                                                        String localName)
Gets the child nodes with the given namespace qualified tag name. If you need to retrieve multiple, named, children consider using getChildElements(Element).

root - element to retrieve the children from
namespaceURI - namespace URI of the child element
localName - local, tag, name of the child element
list of child elements, never null


public static List<Element> getChildElementsByTagName(Element root,
                                                      String localName)
Gets the child nodes with the given local tag name. If you need to retrieve multiple, named, children consider using getChildElements(Element).

root - element to retrieve the children from
localName - local, tag, name of the child element
list of child elements, never null


public static Map<QName,List<Element>> getChildElements(Element root)
Gets the child elements of the given element in a single iteration.

root - element to get the child elements of
child elements indexed by namespace qualifed tag name, never null


public static Element getElementAncestor(Node currentNode)
Gets the ancestor element node to the given node.

currentNode - the node to retrive the ancestor for
the ancestral element node of the current node, or null


public static String nodeToString(Node node)
Converts a Node into a String using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer.

node - the node to be written to a string
the string representation of the node


public static String prettyPrintXML(Node node)
Pretty prints the XML node.

node - xml node to print
pretty-printed xml


private static Map<String,Object> getPrettyPrintParams()
Create the parameters set used in pretty print formatting of an LSSerializer.

the params map


public static void writeNode(Node node,
                             Writer output)
Writes a Node out to a Writer using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer. The written content is encoded using the encoding specified in the writer configuration.

node - the node to write out
output - the writer to write the XML to


public static void writeNode(Node node,
                             Writer output,
                             Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
Writes a Node out to a Writer using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer. The written content is encoded using the encoding specified in the writer configuration.

node - the node to write out
output - the writer to write the XML to
serializerParams - parameters to pass to the DOMConfiguration of the serializer instance, obtained via LSSerializer.getDomConfig(). May be null.


public static void writeNode(Node node,
                             OutputStream output)
Writes a Node out to an OutputStream using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer. The written content is encoded using the encoding specified in the output stream configuration.

node - the node to write out
output - the output stream to write the XML to


public static void writeNode(Node node,
                             OutputStream output,
                             Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
Writes a Node out to an OutputStream using the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer. The written content is encoded using the encoding specified in the output stream configuration.

node - the node to write out
output - the output stream to write the XML to
serializerParams - parameters to pass to the DOMConfiguration of the serializer instance, obtained via LSSerializer.getDomConfig(). May be null.


public static LSSerializer getLSSerializer(DOMImplementationLS domImplLS,
                                           Map<String,Object> serializerParams)
Obtain a the DOM, level 3, Load/Save serializer LSSerializer instance from the given DOMImplementationLS instance.

The serializer instance will be configured with the parameters passed as the serializerParams argument. It will also be configured with an LSSerializerFilter that shows all nodes to the filter, and accepts all nodes shown.

domImplLS - the DOM Level 3 Load/Save implementation to use
serializerParams - parameters to pass to the DOMConfiguration of the serializer instance, obtained via LSSerializer.getDomConfig(). May be null.
a new LSSerializer instance


public static DOMImplementationLS getLSDOMImpl(Node node)
Get the DOM Level 3 Load/Save DOMImplementationLS for the given node.

node - the node to evaluate
the DOMImplementationLS for the given node


public static String qnameToContentString(QName qname)
Converts a QName into a string that can be used for attribute values or element content.

qname - the QName to convert to a string
the string value of the QName


public static void rootNamespaces(Element domElement)
                           throws XMLParserException
Ensures that all the visibly used namespaces referenced by the given Element or its descendants are declared by the given Element or one of its descendants. NOTE: This is a very costly operation.

domElement - the element to act as the root of the namespace declarations
XMLParserException - thrown if a namespace prefix is encountered that can't be resolved to a namespace URI


private static void rootNamespaces(Element domElement,
                                   Element upperNamespaceSearchBound)
                            throws XMLParserException
Recursively called function that ensures all the visibly used namespaces referenced by the given Element or its descendants are declared if they don't appear in the list of already resolved namespaces.

domElement - the Element
upperNamespaceSearchBound - the "root" element of the fragment where namespaces may be rooted
XMLParserException - thrown if a namespace prefix is encountered that can't be resolved to a namespace URI


public static boolean isElementNamed(Element e,
                                     String ns,
                                     String localName)
Shortcut for checking a DOM element node's namespace and local name.

e - An element to compare against
ns - An XML namespace to compare
localName - A local name to compare
true iff the element's local name and namespace match the parameters


public static Element getFirstChildElement(Node n)
Gets the first child Element of the node, skipping any Text nodes such as whitespace.

n - The parent in which to search for children
The first child Element of n, or null if none


public static Element getNextSiblingElement(Node n)
Gets the next sibling Element of the node, skipping any Text nodes such as whitespace.

n - The sibling to start with
The next sibling Element of n, or null if none


public static long durationToLong(String duration)
Converts a lexical duration, as defined by XML Schema 1.0, into milliseconds.

duration - lexical duration representation
duration in milliseconds


public static String longToDuration(long duration)
Converts a duration in milliseconds to a lexical duration, as defined by XML Schema 1.0.

duration - the duration
the lexical representation

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