Uses of Class

Packages that use EncryptionException
org.opensaml.xml.encryption XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing encrypted content and encrypting/decrypting content. 

Uses of EncryptionException in org.opensaml.xml.encryption

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption that throw EncryptionException
protected  void Encrypter.checkAndMarshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Ensure that the XMLObject is marshalled.
protected  void Encrypter.checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Check data encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
protected  void Encrypter.checkParams(EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Check the encryption parameters and key encryption parameters for valid combinations of options.
protected  void Encrypter.checkParams(KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, boolean allowEmpty)
          Check key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
protected  void Encrypter.checkParams(List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, boolean allowEmpty)
          Check a list of key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject.
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo.
private  EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, boolean encryptContentMode)
          Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag.
protected  EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElement(XMLObject xmlObject, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, boolean encryptContentMode)
          Encrypts the given XMLObject using the specified encryption key, algorithm URI and content mode flag.
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject.
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..
 EncryptedData Encrypter.encryptElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, EncryptionParameters encParams, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList)
          Encrypts the DOM representation of the content of an XMLObject, encrypts the encryption key using the specified key encryption parameters and places the resulting EncryptedKey(s) within the EncryptedData's KeyInfo..
 EncryptedKey Encrypter.encryptKey(Key key, KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key.
protected  EncryptedKey Encrypter.encryptKey(Key targetKey, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key using the specified encryption key and algorithm URI.
 List<EncryptedKey> Encrypter.encryptKey(Key key, List<KeyEncryptionParameters> kekParamsList, Document containingDocument)
          Encrypts a key once for each key encryption parameters set that is supplied.
protected  SecretKey Encrypter.generateEncryptionKey(String encryptionAlgorithmURI)
          Generate a random symmetric encryption key.
protected  void Encrypter.postProcessApacheEncryptedKey( apacheEncryptedKey, Key targetKey, Key encryptionKey, String encryptionAlgorithmURI, Document containingDocument)
          Post-process the Apache EncryptedKey, prior to marshalling to DOM and unmarshalling into an XMLObject.

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