Package org.opensaml.xml

Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library.


Interface Summary
AttributeExtensibleXMLObject An interface for XMLObjects that represent DOM elements that support the XML Schema anyAttribute construct.
BaseBearing Interface for element having a @xml:base attribute.
ElementExtensibleXMLObject An XMLObject whose content model contains "any" child elements.
IdBearing Interface for element having a @xml:id attribute.
LangBearing Interface for element having a @xml:lang attribute.
SpaceBearing Interface for element having a @xml:space attribute.
XMLObject A object that represents an XML element, usually of a specific schema type, that has been unmarshalled into this Java object.
XMLObjectBuilder<XMLObjectType extends XMLObject> A builder for XMLObjects.

Class Summary
AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObject AbstractElementExtensible is an element of type xs:any, but without xs:anyAttribute attribute or text content.
AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller AbstractElementExtensibleMarshaller marshalls element of type xs:any, but without xs:anyAttribute attributes or text content.
AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller AbstractElementExtensibleUnmarshaller unmarshalls element of type xs:any, but without xs:anyAttribute attributes or text content.
AbstractExtensibleXMLObject AbstractExtensibleXMLObject is an element of type xs:any, and with xs:anyAttribute attributes.
AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller marshalls element of type xs:any and with xs:anyAttribute attributes.
AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller unmarshalls element of type xs:any and with xs:anyAttribute attributes.
AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject Extension of AbstractSignableXMLObject that implements ValidatingXMLObject.
AbstractXMLObject An abstract implementation of XMLObject.
AbstractXMLObjectBuilder<XMLObjectType extends XMLObject> Base implementation for XMLObject builders.
Configuration Class for loading library configuration files and retrieving the configured components.
Namespace Data structure for representing XML namespace attributes.
NamespaceManager A class which is responsible for managing XML namespace-related data for an XMLObject.
Version Class for printing the version of this library.
XMLConfigurator Reads in an XML configuration and configures the XMLTooling library accordingly.
XMLObjectBuilderFactory A factory for XMLObjectBuilders.

Enum Summary
SpaceBearing.XMLSpaceEnum Enum representing the allowed values of the xml:space attribute.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException An exception thrown when an error occurs loading information into Configuration.
XMLRuntimeException An unchecked runtime exception thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs during XML processing.

Package org.opensaml.xml Description

Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library.

The Configuration class provides the mechanism for loading configuration files and fetching configured builder, marshaller, and unmarshaller factories.

The ElementProxy classes can be used as the default XMLObject for DOM content that does not have registed object providers.

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