Uses of Class

Packages that use CriteriaSet
org.opensaml.xml.encryption XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing encrypted content and encrypting/decrypting content. Interfaces and classes related to credentials and ways to represent them. Interfaces and classes for working with XML KeyInfo elements. Specific implementations of KeyInfoProvider Interfaces and classes used to evaluate the trustworthiness and validity of Credential X509 based credential and trust class. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing digitally signed content and signing/validating content. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML signature types. 

Uses of CriteriaSet in org.opensaml.xml.encryption

Fields in org.opensaml.xml.encryption declared as CriteriaSet
private  CriteriaSet Decrypter.kekResolverCriteria
          Additional criteria to use when resolving credentials based on an EncryptedKey's KeyInfo.
private  CriteriaSet Decrypter.resolverCriteria
          Additional criteria to use when resolving credentials based on an EncryptedData's KeyInfo.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption that return CriteriaSet
private  CriteriaSet Decrypter.buildCredentialCriteria(EncryptedType encryptedType, CriteriaSet staticCriteria)
          Utility method to build a new set of credential criteria based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedData or EncryptedKey, and any additional static criteria which might have been supplied to the decrypter.
 CriteriaSet Decrypter.getKEKResolverCriteria()
          Get the optional static set of criteria used when resolving credentials based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedKey element.
 CriteriaSet Decrypter.setKeyResolverCriteria()
          Get the optional static set of criteria used when resolving credentials based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedData element.

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption with parameters of type CriteriaSet
private  CriteriaSet Decrypter.buildCredentialCriteria(EncryptedType encryptedType, CriteriaSet staticCriteria)
          Utility method to build a new set of credential criteria based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedData or EncryptedKey, and any additional static criteria which might have been supplied to the decrypter.
 void Decrypter.setKEKResolverCriteria(CriteriaSet newCriteria)
          Set the optional static set of criteria used when resolving credentials based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedKey element.
 void Decrypter.setKeyResolverCriteria(CriteriaSet newCriteria)
          Set the optional static set of criteria used when resolving credentials based on the KeyInfo of an EncryptedData element.

Uses of CriteriaSet in

Fields in declared as CriteriaSet
private  CriteriaSet ChainingCredentialResolver.CredentialIterable.critSet
          The criteria set on which to base resolution.
private  CriteriaSet ChainingCredentialResolver.CredentialIterator.critSet
          The criteria set on which to base resolution.

Methods in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
protected  void KeyStoreCredentialResolver.checkCriteriaRequirements(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Check that required credential criteria are available.
private  Set<EvaluableCriteria<Credential>> AbstractCriteriaFilteringCredentialResolver.getEvaluableCriteria(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Extract the evaluable credential criteria from the criteria set.
abstract  Iterable<Credential> AbstractCredentialResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
 Iterable<Credential> AbstractCriteriaFilteringCredentialResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
 Iterable<Credential> ChainingCredentialResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
 Iterable<Credential> StaticCredentialResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet criteria)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
protected  Iterable<Credential> KeyStoreCredentialResolver.resolveFromSource(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Subclasses are required to implement this method to resolve credentials from the implementation-specific type of underlying credential source.
protected  Iterable<Credential> CollectionCredentialResolver.resolveFromSource(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Subclasses are required to implement this method to resolve credentials from the implementation-specific type of underlying credential source.
protected  Iterable<Credential> FilesystemCredentialResolver.resolveFromSource(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Subclasses are required to implement this method to resolve credentials from the implementation-specific type of underlying credential source.
protected abstract  Iterable<Credential> AbstractCriteriaFilteringCredentialResolver.resolveFromSource(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Subclasses are required to implement this method to resolve credentials from the implementation-specific type of underlying credential source.
 Credential AbstractCredentialResolver.resolveSingle(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Process the specified criteria and return a single instance of the product type which satisfies the criteria.

Constructors in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
ChainingCredentialResolver.CredentialIterable(ChainingCredentialResolver resolver, CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
ChainingCredentialResolver.CredentialIterator(ChainingCredentialResolver resolver, CriteriaSet criteriaSet)

Uses of CriteriaSet in

Methods in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
protected  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.initResolutionContext(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, KeyInfo keyInfo, CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Initialize the resolution context that will be used by the providers.
protected  void LocalKeyInfoCredentialResolver.postProcess(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<Credential> credentials)
          Hook for subclasses to do post-processing of the credential set after all KeyInfo children have been processed.
protected  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.postProcess(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<Credential> credentials)
          Hook for subclasses to do post-processing of the credential set after all KeyInfo children have been processed.
protected  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.postProcessEmptyCredentials(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<Credential> credentials)
          Hook for processing the case where no credentials were returned by any resolution method by any provider, nor by the processing of the BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.postProcess(KeyInfoResolutionContext, CriteriaSet, List) hook.
 Collection<Credential> KeyInfoProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.
private  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.processKeyInfo(KeyInfo keyInfo, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<Credential> credentials)
          The main processing logic implemented by this resolver.
protected  Collection<Credential> BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.processKeyInfoChild(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, XMLObject keyInfoChild)
          Process the given KeyInfo child with the registered providers.
protected  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.processKeyInfoChildren(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<Credential> credentials)
          Use registered providers to process the non-KeyValue/DEREncodedKeyValue children of KeyInfo.
protected  Iterable<Credential> BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.resolveFromSource(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Subclasses are required to implement this method to resolve credentials from the implementation-specific type of underlying credential source.
protected  void BasicProviderKeyInfoCredentialResolver.resolveKeyValue(KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, List<? extends XMLObject> keyValues)
          Resolve the key from any KeyValue or DEREncodedKeyValue element that may be present, and store the resulting key in the resolution context.

Uses of CriteriaSet in

Methods in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
 Collection<Credential> DSAKeyValueProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.
 Collection<Credential> DEREncodedKeyValueProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.
 Collection<Credential> InlineX509DataProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.
 Collection<Credential> KeyInfoReferenceProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.
 Collection<Credential> RSAKeyValueProvider.process(KeyInfoCredentialResolver resolver, XMLObject keyInfoChild, CriteriaSet criteriaSet, KeyInfoResolutionContext kiContext)
          Process a specified KeyInfo child (XMLobject) and attempt to resolve a credential from it.

Uses of CriteriaSet in

Methods in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
protected  void ExplicitKeyTrustEngine.checkParams(Credential untrustedCredential, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Check the parameters for required values.
protected  void ExplicitX509CertificateTrustEngine.checkParams(X509Credential untrustedCredential, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Check the parameters for required values.
 boolean ExplicitKeyTrustEngine.validate(Credential untrustedCredential, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.
 boolean ChainingTrustEngine.validate(TokenType token, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.
 boolean TrustEngine.validate(TokenType token, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.
 boolean ExplicitX509CertificateTrustEngine.validate(X509Credential untrustedCredential, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.

Uses of CriteriaSet in

Methods in with parameters of type CriteriaSet
 Iterable<PKIXValidationInformation> StaticPKIXValidationInformationResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet criteria)
          Process the specified criteria and return the resulting instances the the product type which satisfy the criteria.
 PKIXValidationInformation StaticPKIXValidationInformationResolver.resolveSingle(CriteriaSet criteria)
          Process the specified criteria and return a single instance of the product type which satisfies the criteria.
 Set<String> StaticPKIXValidationInformationResolver.resolveTrustedNames(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Resolve a set of trusted names associated with the entity indicated by the criteria.
 Set<String> PKIXValidationInformationResolver.resolveTrustedNames(CriteriaSet criteriaSet)
          Resolve a set of trusted names associated with the entity indicated by the criteria.
 boolean PKIXX509CredentialTrustEngine.validate(X509Credential untrustedCredential, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.

Uses of CriteriaSet in org.opensaml.xml.signature

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature with parameters of type CriteriaSet
 boolean SignatureTrustEngine.validate(byte[] signature, byte[] content, String algorithmURI, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria, Credential candidateCredential)
          Determines whether a raw signature over specified content is valid and signed by a trusted credential.

Uses of CriteriaSet in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl with parameters of type CriteriaSet
protected  void BaseSignatureTrustEngine.checkParams(Signature signature, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Check the signature and credential criteria for required values.
protected  void BaseSignatureTrustEngine.checkParamsRaw(byte[] signature, byte[] content, String algorithmURI, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Check the signature and credential criteria for required values.
protected  Pair<Set<String>,Iterable<PKIXValidationInformation>> PKIXSignatureTrustEngine.resolveValidationInfo(CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Resolve and return a set of trusted validation information.
 boolean ChainingSignatureTrustEngine.validate(byte[] signature, byte[] content, String algorithmURI, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria, Credential candidateCredential)
          Determines whether a raw signature over specified content is valid and signed by a trusted credential.
 boolean ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine.validate(byte[] signature, byte[] content, String algorithmURI, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria, Credential candidateCredential)
          Determines whether a raw signature over specified content is valid and signed by a trusted credential.
 boolean PKIXSignatureTrustEngine.validate(byte[] signature, byte[] content, String algorithmURI, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria, Credential candidateCredential)
          Determines whether a raw signature over specified content is valid and signed by a trusted credential.
 boolean ChainingSignatureTrustEngine.validate(Signature token, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.
 boolean ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine.validate(Signature signature, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.
 boolean PKIXSignatureTrustEngine.validate(Signature signature, CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
          Validates the token against trusted information obtained in an implementation-specific manner.

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