Interface SecurityConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SecurityConfiguration

Interface for classes which store security-related configuration information, especially related to the requirements for XML Signature and XML Encryption.

Method Summary
 String getAutoGeneratedDataEncryptionKeyAlgorithmURI()
          Get the encryption algorithm URI to be used when auto-generating random data encryption keys.
 String getDataEncryptionAlgorithmURI(Credential credential)
          Get the encryption algorithm URI for the encryption key contained within the specified credential.
 String getDataEncryptionAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName, Integer keyLength)
          Get the encryption algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name and optional key length.
 KeyInfoCredentialResolver getDefaultKeyInfoCredentialResolver()
          Get the default KeyInfoCredentialResolver configuration.
 DSAParams getDSAParams(int keyLength)
          Get a DSA parameters instance which defines the default DSA key information to be used within a DSA "key family".
 KeyInfoCredentialResolver getKeyInfoCredentialResolver(String name)
          Get the KeyInfoCredentialResolver associated with the named configuration.
 NamedKeyInfoGeneratorManager getKeyInfoGeneratorManager()
          Get the manager for named KeyInfoGenerator instances.
 String getKeyTransportEncryptionAlgorithmURI(Credential credential, String wrappedKeyAlgorithm)
          Get the key transport encryption algorithm URI for the encryption key contained within the specified credential.
 String getKeyTransportEncryptionAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName, Integer keyLength, String wrappedKeyAlgorithm)
          Get the key transport encryption algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name, optional key length and optional JCA key algorithm name of the key to be encrypted.
 String getSignatureAlgorithmURI(Credential credential)
          Get the signature algorithm URI for the signing key contained within the specified credential.
 String getSignatureAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName)
          Get the signature algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name.
 String getSignatureCanonicalizationAlgorithm()
          Get a canonicalization algorithm URI suitable for use as a Signature CanonicalizationMethod value.
 Integer getSignatureHMACOutputLength()
          Get the value to be used as the Signature SignatureMethod HMACOutputLength value, used only when signing with an HMAC algorithm.
 String getSignatureReferenceDigestMethod()
          Get a digest method algorithm URI suitable for use as a Signature Reference DigestMethod value.

Method Detail


String getSignatureAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName)
Get the signature algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name.

jcaAlgorithmName - a JCA key algorithm name
a signature algorithm URI mapping, or null if no mapping is available


String getSignatureAlgorithmURI(Credential credential)
Get the signature algorithm URI for the signing key contained within the specified credential.

credential - a credential containing a signing key
a signature algorithm URI mapping, or null if no mapping is available


String getSignatureReferenceDigestMethod()
Get a digest method algorithm URI suitable for use as a Signature Reference DigestMethod value.

a digest method algorithm URI


String getSignatureCanonicalizationAlgorithm()
Get a canonicalization algorithm URI suitable for use as a Signature CanonicalizationMethod value.

a canonicalization algorithm URI


Integer getSignatureHMACOutputLength()
Get the value to be used as the Signature SignatureMethod HMACOutputLength value, used only when signing with an HMAC algorithm. This value is optional when using HMAC.

the configured HMAC output length value


String getDataEncryptionAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName,
                                     Integer keyLength)
Get the encryption algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name and optional key length. Passing null as the key length will return the default algorithm URI for the specified JCA algorithm, if a default is configured. If no mapping for the specified key length is available, the default mapping will be returned.

jcaAlgorithmName - a JCA key algorithm name
keyLength - optional key length parameter
an encryption algorithm URI, or null if no mapping is available


String getDataEncryptionAlgorithmURI(Credential credential)
Get the encryption algorithm URI for the encryption key contained within the specified credential.

credential - a credential containing an encryption key
an encryption algorithm URI mapping, or null if no mapping is available


String getKeyTransportEncryptionAlgorithmURI(String jcaAlgorithmName,
                                             Integer keyLength,
                                             String wrappedKeyAlgorithm)
Get the key transport encryption algorithm URI for the specified JCA key algorithm name, optional key length and optional JCA key algorithm name of the key to be encrypted. Note that typically the key length parameter is required for lookup of symmetric key wrap algorithm URI's, but is typically not required or relevant for asymmetric key transport algorithms. If a mapping is not available considering the optional key length and wrapped algorithm parameters as passed, a lookup will next be attempted by omiting the (non-null) wrapped key algorithm, and if that is unsuccessful, by then omitting the (non-null) key length parameter. If a mapping has still not been found, then a final lookup attempt will be made using the key encryption key's JCA algorithm name alone.

jcaAlgorithmName - a JCA key algorithm name for the key encryption key
keyLength - optional key length parameter
wrappedKeyAlgorithm - a JCA key algorithm name for the key to be encrypted
an encryption algorithm URI, or null if no mapping is available


String getKeyTransportEncryptionAlgorithmURI(Credential credential,
                                             String wrappedKeyAlgorithm)
Get the key transport encryption algorithm URI for the encryption key contained within the specified credential.

credential - a credential containing an encryption key
wrappedKeyAlgorithm - the JCA key algorithm name of the key being encrypted
an encryption algorithm URI mapping, or null if no mapping is available


String getAutoGeneratedDataEncryptionKeyAlgorithmURI()
Get the encryption algorithm URI to be used when auto-generating random data encryption keys.

an encryption algorithm URI, or null if no default is available


DSAParams getDSAParams(int keyLength)
Get a DSA parameters instance which defines the default DSA key information to be used within a DSA "key family".

keyLength - length of the DSA key whose parameters are desired
the default DSA parameters instance, or null if no default is available


NamedKeyInfoGeneratorManager getKeyInfoGeneratorManager()
Get the manager for named KeyInfoGenerator instances.

the KeyInfoGenerator manager, or null if none is configured


KeyInfoCredentialResolver getKeyInfoCredentialResolver(String name)
Get the KeyInfoCredentialResolver associated with the named configuration.

name - the name of the resolver configuration to return
a KeyInfoCredentialResolver instance


KeyInfoCredentialResolver getDefaultKeyInfoCredentialResolver()
Get the default KeyInfoCredentialResolver configuration.

the default KeyInfoCredentialResolver

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