Class Octahedral

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ICDKObject, IStereoElement<IAtom,IAtom>

public final class Octahedral extends Object
Represents an octahedral configuration of an atom six neighbors. The configuration order is defined as between 1 and 30 using the same permutation tables as SMILES (e.g. @OH1 .. @OH30). This allows the 720 permutations of atom ordering to be described.
Normalizing the representation (with normalize() returns a configuration reordered such that the configuration order is 1. For example
is the same as
. The normalised form is easy to work with as the first and last carriers form an axis, the middle four equatorial carriers are arranged anti-clockwise looking from the first carrier.
      | a
  d---x---b = OH1
     /|       where a: first carrier, b: second carried, etc
    f |             x: focus
      e             'a' is in front of the focus 'x', 'f' is behind
See Also: