Class ShardsRecord

    • Method Detail

      • index

        public final java.lang.String index()
        index name

        API name: index

      • shard

        public final java.lang.String shard()
        shard name

        API name: shard

      • prirep

        public final java.lang.String prirep()
        primary or replica

        API name: prirep

      • state

        public final java.lang.String state()
        shard state

        API name: state

      • docs

        public final java.lang.String docs()
        number of docs in shard

        API name: docs

      • store

        public final java.lang.String store()
        store size of shard (how much disk it uses)

        API name: store

      • ip

        public final java.lang.String ip()
        ip of node where it lives

        API name: ip

      • id

        public final java.lang.String id()
        unique id of node where it lives

        API name: id

      • node

        public final java.lang.String node()
        name of node where it lives

        API name: node

      • syncId

        public final java.lang.String syncId()
        sync id

        API name: sync_id

      • unassignedReason

        public final java.lang.String unassignedReason()
        reason shard is unassigned

        API name: unassigned.reason

      • unassignedAt

        public final java.lang.String unassignedAt()
        time shard became unassigned (UTC)

        API name:

      • unassignedFor

        public final java.lang.String unassignedFor()
        time has been unassigned

        API name: unassigned.for

      • unassignedDetails

        public final java.lang.String unassignedDetails()
        additional details as to why the shard became unassigned

        API name: unassigned.details

      • recoverysourceType

        public final java.lang.String recoverysourceType()
        recovery source type

        API name: recoverysource.type

      • completionSize

        public final java.lang.String completionSize()
        size of completion

        API name: completion.size

      • fielddataMemorySize

        public final java.lang.String fielddataMemorySize()
        used fielddata cache

        API name: fielddata.memory_size

      • fielddataEvictions

        public final java.lang.String fielddataEvictions()
        fielddata evictions

        API name: fielddata.evictions

      • queryCacheMemorySize

        public final java.lang.String queryCacheMemorySize()
        used query cache

        API name: query_cache.memory_size

      • queryCacheEvictions

        public final java.lang.String queryCacheEvictions()
        query cache evictions

        API name: query_cache.evictions

      • flushTotal

        public final java.lang.String flushTotal()
        number of flushes

        API name:

      • flushTotalTime

        public final java.lang.String flushTotalTime()
        time spent in flush

        API name: flush.total_time

      • getCurrent

        public final java.lang.String getCurrent()
        number of current get ops

        API name: get.current

      • getTime

        public final java.lang.String getTime()
        time spent in get

        API name: get.time

      • getTotal

        public final java.lang.String getTotal()
        number of get ops

        API name:

      • getExistsTime

        public final java.lang.String getExistsTime()
        time spent in successful gets

        API name: get.exists_time

      • getExistsTotal

        public final java.lang.String getExistsTotal()
        number of successful gets

        API name: get.exists_total

      • getMissingTime

        public final java.lang.String getMissingTime()
        time spent in failed gets

        API name: get.missing_time

      • getMissingTotal

        public final java.lang.String getMissingTotal()
        number of failed gets

        API name: get.missing_total

      • indexingDeleteCurrent

        public final java.lang.String indexingDeleteCurrent()
        number of current deletions

        API name: indexing.delete_current

      • indexingDeleteTime

        public final java.lang.String indexingDeleteTime()
        time spent in deletions

        API name: indexing.delete_time

      • indexingDeleteTotal

        public final java.lang.String indexingDeleteTotal()
        number of delete ops

        API name: indexing.delete_total

      • indexingIndexCurrent

        public final java.lang.String indexingIndexCurrent()
        number of current indexing ops

        API name: indexing.index_current

      • indexingIndexTime

        public final java.lang.String indexingIndexTime()
        time spent in indexing

        API name: indexing.index_time

      • indexingIndexTotal

        public final java.lang.String indexingIndexTotal()
        number of indexing ops

        API name: indexing.index_total

      • indexingIndexFailed

        public final java.lang.String indexingIndexFailed()
        number of failed indexing ops

        API name: indexing.index_failed

      • mergesCurrent

        public final java.lang.String mergesCurrent()
        number of current merges

        API name: merges.current

      • mergesCurrentDocs

        public final java.lang.String mergesCurrentDocs()
        number of current merging docs

        API name: merges.current_docs

      • mergesCurrentSize

        public final java.lang.String mergesCurrentSize()
        size of current merges

        API name: merges.current_size

      • mergesTotal

        public final java.lang.String mergesTotal()
        number of completed merge ops

        API name:

      • mergesTotalDocs

        public final java.lang.String mergesTotalDocs()
        docs merged

        API name: merges.total_docs

      • mergesTotalSize

        public final java.lang.String mergesTotalSize()
        size merged

        API name: merges.total_size

      • mergesTotalTime

        public final java.lang.String mergesTotalTime()
        time spent in merges

        API name: merges.total_time

      • refreshTotal

        public final java.lang.String refreshTotal()
        total refreshes

        API name:

      • refreshTime

        public final java.lang.String refreshTime()
        time spent in refreshes

        API name: refresh.time

      • refreshExternalTotal

        public final java.lang.String refreshExternalTotal()
        total external refreshes

        API name: refresh.external_total

      • refreshExternalTime

        public final java.lang.String refreshExternalTime()
        time spent in external refreshes

        API name: refresh.external_time

      • refreshListeners

        public final java.lang.String refreshListeners()
        number of pending refresh listeners

        API name: refresh.listeners

      • searchFetchCurrent

        public final java.lang.String searchFetchCurrent()
        current fetch phase ops

        API name: search.fetch_current

      • searchFetchTime

        public final java.lang.String searchFetchTime()
        time spent in fetch phase

        API name: search.fetch_time

      • searchFetchTotal

        public final java.lang.String searchFetchTotal()
        total fetch ops

        API name: search.fetch_total

      • searchOpenContexts

        public final java.lang.String searchOpenContexts()
        open search contexts

        API name: search.open_contexts

      • searchQueryCurrent

        public final java.lang.String searchQueryCurrent()
        current query phase ops

        API name: search.query_current

      • searchQueryTime

        public final java.lang.String searchQueryTime()
        time spent in query phase

        API name: search.query_time

      • searchQueryTotal

        public final java.lang.String searchQueryTotal()
        total query phase ops

        API name: search.query_total

      • searchScrollCurrent

        public final java.lang.String searchScrollCurrent()
        open scroll contexts

        API name: search.scroll_current

      • searchScrollTime

        public final java.lang.String searchScrollTime()
        time scroll contexts held open

        API name: search.scroll_time

      • searchScrollTotal

        public final java.lang.String searchScrollTotal()
        completed scroll contexts

        API name: search.scroll_total

      • segmentsCount

        public final java.lang.String segmentsCount()
        number of segments

        API name: segments.count

      • segmentsMemory

        public final java.lang.String segmentsMemory()
        memory used by segments

        API name: segments.memory

      • segmentsIndexWriterMemory

        public final java.lang.String segmentsIndexWriterMemory()
        memory used by index writer

        API name: segments.index_writer_memory

      • segmentsVersionMapMemory

        public final java.lang.String segmentsVersionMapMemory()
        memory used by version map

        API name: segments.version_map_memory

      • segmentsFixedBitsetMemory

        public final java.lang.String segmentsFixedBitsetMemory()
        memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export type filters for types referred in _parent fields

        API name: segments.fixed_bitset_memory

      • seqNoMax

        public final java.lang.String seqNoMax()
        max sequence number

        API name: seq_no.max

      • seqNoLocalCheckpoint

        public final java.lang.String seqNoLocalCheckpoint()
        local checkpoint

        API name: seq_no.local_checkpoint

      • seqNoGlobalCheckpoint

        public final java.lang.String seqNoGlobalCheckpoint()
        global checkpoint

        API name: seq_no.global_checkpoint

      • warmerCurrent

        public final java.lang.String warmerCurrent()
        current warmer ops

        API name: warmer.current

      • warmerTotal

        public final java.lang.String warmerTotal()
        total warmer ops

        API name:

      • warmerTotalTime

        public final java.lang.String warmerTotalTime()
        time spent in warmers

        API name: warmer.total_time

      • pathData

        public final java.lang.String pathData()
        shard data path

        API name:

      • pathState

        public final java.lang.String pathState()
        shard state path

        API name: path.state

      • bulkTotalOperations

        public final java.lang.String bulkTotalOperations()
        number of bulk shard ops

        API name: bulk.total_operations

      • bulkTotalTime

        public final java.lang.String bulkTotalTime()
        time spend in shard bulk

        API name: bulk.total_time

      • bulkTotalSizeInBytes

        public final java.lang.String bulkTotalSizeInBytes()
        total size in bytes of shard bulk

        API name: bulk.total_size_in_bytes

      • bulkAvgTime

        public final java.lang.String bulkAvgTime()
        average time spend in shard bulk

        API name: bulk.avg_time

      • bulkAvgSizeInBytes

        public final java.lang.String bulkAvgSizeInBytes()
        avg size in bytes of shard bulk

        API name: bulk.avg_size_in_bytes

      • serialize

        public void serialize​( generator,
                              JsonpMapper mapper)
        Serialize this object to JSON.
        Specified by:
        serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
      • serializeInternal

        protected void serializeInternal​( generator,
                                         JsonpMapper mapper)