Class CreatePitRequest

  • public class CreatePitRequest
    extends RequestBase
    Creates a Point In Time attribute on Search
    • Method Detail

      • targetIndexes

        public final java.util.List<java.lang.String> targetIndexes()
        Required - The name(s) of the target index(es) for the PIT. May contain a comma-separated list or a wildcard index pattern.

        API name: target_indexes

      • keepAlive

        public final Time keepAlive()
        Required - The amount of time to keep the PIT. Every time you access a PIT by using the Search API, the PIT lifetime is extended by the amount of time equal to the keep_alive parameter.

        API name: keep_alive

      • preference

        public final java.lang.String preference()
        The node or the shard used to perform the search. Optional. Default is random.

        API name: preference

      • routing

        public final java.lang.String routing()
        Specifies to route search requests to a specific shard. Optional. Default is the document’s _id.

        API name: routing

      • expandWildcards

        public final java.util.List<ExpandWildcard> expandWildcards()
        The type of index that can match the wildcard pattern. Supports comma-separated values. Valid values are the following: - all: Match any index or data stream, including hidden ones. - open: Match open, non-hidden indexes or non-hidden data streams. - closed: Match closed, non-hidden indexes or non-hidden data streams. - hidden: Match hidden indexes or data streams. Must be combined with open, closed or both open and closed. - none: No wildcard patterns are accepted. Optional. Default is open.

        API name: expand_wildcards

      • allowPartialPitCreation

        public final java.lang.Boolean allowPartialPitCreation()
        Specifies whether to create a PIT with partial failures. Optional. Default is true.

        API name: allow_partial_pit_creation