Class NodeInfo

    • Method Detail

      • attributes

        public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> attributes()
        API name: attributes
      • buildHash

        public final java.lang.String buildHash()
        Required - Short hash of the last git commit in this release.

        API name: build_hash

      • buildType

        public final java.lang.String buildType()
        Required - API name: build_type
      • host

        public final java.lang.String host()
        Required - The node's host name.

        API name: host

      • http

        public final NodeInfoHttp http()
        API name: http
      • ip

        public final java.lang.String ip()
        Required - The node's IP address.

        API name: ip

      • jvm

        public final NodeJvmInfo jvm()
        API name: jvm
      • name

        public final java.lang.String name()
        Required - The node's name

        API name: name

      • network

        public final NodeInfoNetwork network()
        API name: network
      • plugins

        public final java.util.List<PluginStats> plugins()
        API name: plugins
      • process

        public final NodeProcessInfo process()
        API name: process
      • roles

        public final java.util.List<NodeRole> roles()
        Required - API name: roles
      • settings

        public final NodeInfoSettings settings()
        API name: settings
      • threadPool

        public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​NodeThreadPoolInfo> threadPool()
        API name: thread_pool
      • totalIndexingBuffer

        public final java.lang.Long totalIndexingBuffer()
        Total heap allowed to be used to hold recently indexed documents before they must be written to disk. This size is a shared pool across all shards on this node, and is controlled by Indexing Buffer settings.

        API name: total_indexing_buffer

      • totalIndexingBufferInBytes

        public final java.lang.String totalIndexingBufferInBytes()
        Same as total_indexing_buffer, but expressed in bytes.

        API name: total_indexing_buffer_in_bytes

      • transport

        public final NodeInfoTransport transport()
        API name: transport
      • transportAddress

        public final java.lang.String transportAddress()
        Required - Host and port where transport HTTP connections are accepted.

        API name: transport_address

      • version

        public final java.lang.String version()
        Required - OpenSearch version running on this node.

        API name: version

      • modules

        public final java.util.List<PluginStats> modules()
        API name: modules
      • ingest

        public final NodeInfoIngest ingest()
        API name: ingest
      • aggregations

        public final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​NodeInfoAggregation> aggregations()
        API name: aggregations
      • serialize

        public void serialize​( generator,
                              JsonpMapper mapper)
        Serialize this object to JSON.
        Specified by:
        serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
      • serializeInternal

        protected void serializeInternal​( generator,
                                         JsonpMapper mapper)