Class GetSnapshotRequest

  • public class GetSnapshotRequest
    extends RequestBase
    Returns information about a snapshot.
    • Method Detail

      • human

        public final java.lang.Boolean human()
        API name: human
      • ignoreUnavailable

        public final java.lang.Boolean ignoreUnavailable()
        If false, the request returns an error for any snapshots that are unavailable.

        API name: ignore_unavailable

      • includeRepository

        public final java.lang.Boolean includeRepository()
        Whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. Defaults to true.

        API name: include_repository

      • indexDetails

        public final java.lang.Boolean indexDetails()
        If true, returns additional information about each index in the snapshot comprising the number of shards in the index, the total size of the index in bytes, and the maximum number of segments per shard in the index. Defaults to false, meaning that this information is omitted.

        API name: index_details

      • masterTimeout

        public final Time masterTimeout()
        Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

        API name: master_timeout

      • clusterManagerTimeout

        public final Time clusterManagerTimeout()
        Period to wait for a connection to the cluster-manager node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

        API name: cluster_manager_timeout

      • repository

        public final java.lang.String repository()
        Required - Comma-separated list of snapshot repository names used to limit the request. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported.

        API name: repository

      • snapshot

        public final java.util.List<java.lang.String> snapshot()
        Required - Comma-separated list of snapshot names to retrieve. Also accepts wildcards (*).
        • To get information about all snapshots in a registered repository, use a wildcard (*) or _all.
        • To get information about any snapshots that are currently running, use _current.

        API name: snapshot

      • verbose

        public final java.lang.Boolean verbose()
        If true, returns additional information about each snapshot such as the version of OpenSearch which took the snapshot, the start and end times of the snapshot, and the number of shards snapshotted.

        API name: verbose