Interface ActionListener<Response>

All Known Subinterfaces:
PersistentTasksService.WaitForPersistentTaskListener<P>, RejectAwareActionListener<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdapterActionFuture, ChannelActionListener, ContextPreservingActionListener, GroupedActionListener, LatchedActionListener, ListenableFuture, NotifyOnceListener, PlainActionFuture, PlainListenableActionFuture, RestActionListener, RestActions.NodesResponseRestListener, RestBuilderListener, RestResponseListener, RestStatusToXContentListener, RestToXContentListener, SearchExecutionStatsCollector, SearchProgressActionListener, StepListener, ThreadedActionListener

public interface ActionListener<Response>
A listener for action responses or failures.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static <Response> void completeWith​(ActionListener<Response> listener, CheckedSupplier<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> supplier)
    Completes the given listener with the result from the provided supplier accordingly.
    static <T,​ R> ActionListener<T> delegateFailure​(ActionListener<R> delegate, java.util.function.BiConsumer<ActionListener<R>,​T> bc)
    Creates a listener that delegates all exceptions it receives to another listener.
    static <T> ActionListener<T> delegateResponse​(ActionListener<T> delegate, java.util.function.BiConsumer<ActionListener<T>,​java.lang.Exception> bc)
    Creates a listener that delegates all responses it receives to another listener.
    static <T,​ Response>
    map​(ActionListener<T> delegate, org.opensearch.common.CheckedFunction<Response,​T,​java.lang.Exception> fn)
    Creates a listener that wraps another listener, mapping response values via the given mapping function and passing along exceptions to the delegate.
    static <Response> ActionListener<Response> notifyOnce​(ActionListener<Response> delegate)
    Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which makes sure onResponse(Object) and onFailure(Exception) of the provided listener will be called at most once.
    void onFailure​(java.lang.Exception e)
    A failure caused by an exception at some phase of the task.
    static <Response> void onFailure​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, java.lang.Exception failure)
    Notifies every given listener with the failure passed to onFailure(Exception).
    static <Response> void onResponse​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, Response response)
    Notifies every given listener with the response passed to onResponse(Object).
    void onResponse​(Response response)
    Handle action response.
    static <Response> ActionListener<Response> runAfter​(ActionListener<Response> delegate, java.lang.Runnable runAfter)
    Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which executes the provided runAfter callback when the listener is notified via either #onResponse or #onFailure.
    static <Response> ActionListener<Response> runBefore​(ActionListener<Response> delegate, org.opensearch.common.CheckedRunnable<?> runBefore)
    Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which executes the provided runBefore callback before the listener is notified via either #onResponse or #onFailure.
    static <Response> java.util.function.BiConsumer<Response,​java.lang.Exception> toBiConsumer​(ActionListener<Response> listener)
    Converts a listener to a BiConsumer for compatibility with the CompletableFuture api.
    static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
    Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding runnable when the response (or failure) is received.
    static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(org.opensearch.common.CheckedConsumer<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> onResponse, java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> onFailure)
    Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding consumer when the response (or failure) is received.
  • Method Details

    • onResponse

      void onResponse​(Response response)
      Handle action response. This response may constitute a failure or a success but it is up to the listener to make that decision.
    • onFailure

      void onFailure​(java.lang.Exception e)
      A failure caused by an exception at some phase of the task.
    • wrap

      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(org.opensearch.common.CheckedConsumer<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> onResponse, java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> onFailure)
      Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding consumer when the response (or failure) is received.
      Type Parameters:
      Response - the type of the response
      onResponse - the checked consumer of the response, when the listener receives one
      onFailure - the consumer of the failure, when the listener receives one
      a listener that listens for responses and invokes the consumer when received
    • delegateResponse

      static <T> ActionListener<T> delegateResponse​(ActionListener<T> delegate, java.util.function.BiConsumer<ActionListener<T>,​java.lang.Exception> bc)
      Creates a listener that delegates all responses it receives to another listener.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the listener
      delegate - ActionListener to wrap and delegate any exception to
      bc - BiConsumer invoked with delegate listener and exception
      Delegating listener
    • delegateFailure

      static <T,​ R> ActionListener<T> delegateFailure​(ActionListener<R> delegate, java.util.function.BiConsumer<ActionListener<R>,​T> bc)
      Creates a listener that delegates all exceptions it receives to another listener.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the delegating listener's response
      R - Type of the wrapped listeners
      delegate - ActionListener to wrap and delegate any exception to
      bc - BiConsumer invoked with delegate listener and response
      Delegating listener
    • wrap

      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
      Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding runnable when the response (or failure) is received.
      Type Parameters:
      Response - the type of the response
      runnable - the runnable that will be called in event of success or failure
      a listener that listens for responses and invokes the runnable when received
    • map

      static <T,​ Response> ActionListener<Response> map​(ActionListener<T> delegate, org.opensearch.common.CheckedFunction<Response,​T,​java.lang.Exception> fn)
      Creates a listener that wraps another listener, mapping response values via the given mapping function and passing along exceptions to the delegate. Notice that it is considered a bug if the listener's onResponse or onFailure fails. onResponse failures will not call onFailure. If the function fails, the listener's onFailure handler will be called. The principle is that the mapped listener will handle exceptions from the mapping function fn but it is the responsibility of delegate to handle its own exceptions inside `onResponse` and `onFailure`.
      Type Parameters:
      Response - Response type of the new listener
      T - Response type of the wrapped listener
      delegate - Listener to delegate to
      fn - Function to apply to listener response
      a listener that maps the received response and then passes it to its delegate listener
    • toBiConsumer

      static <Response> java.util.function.BiConsumer<Response,​java.lang.Exception> toBiConsumer​(ActionListener<Response> listener)
      Converts a listener to a BiConsumer for compatibility with the CompletableFuture api.
      Type Parameters:
      Response - the type of the response
      listener - that will be wrapped
      a bi consumer that will complete the wrapped listener
    • onResponse

      static <Response> void onResponse​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, Response response)
      Notifies every given listener with the response passed to onResponse(Object). If a listener itself throws an exception the exception is forwarded to onFailure(Exception). If in turn onFailure(Exception) fails all remaining listeners will be processed and the caught exception will be re-thrown.
    • onFailure

      static <Response> void onFailure​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, java.lang.Exception failure)
      Notifies every given listener with the failure passed to onFailure(Exception). If a listener itself throws an exception all remaining listeners will be processed and the caught exception will be re-thrown.
    • runAfter

      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> runAfter​(ActionListener<Response> delegate, java.lang.Runnable runAfter)
      Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which executes the provided runAfter callback when the listener is notified via either #onResponse or #onFailure.
    • runBefore

      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> runBefore​(ActionListener<Response> delegate, org.opensearch.common.CheckedRunnable<?> runBefore)
      Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which executes the provided runBefore callback before the listener is notified via either #onResponse or #onFailure. If the callback throws an exception then it will be passed to the listener's #onFailure and its #onResponse will not be executed.
    • notifyOnce

      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> notifyOnce​(ActionListener<Response> delegate)
      Wraps a given listener and returns a new listener which makes sure onResponse(Object) and onFailure(Exception) of the provided listener will be called at most once.
    • completeWith

      static <Response> void completeWith​(ActionListener<Response> listener, CheckedSupplier<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> supplier)
      Completes the given listener with the result from the provided supplier accordingly. This method is mainly used to complete a listener with a block of synchronous code. If the supplier fails, the listener's onFailure handler will be called. It is the responsibility of delegate to handle its own exceptions inside `onResponse` and `onFailure`.