Class JodaDateFormatter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JodaDateFormatter
extends java.lang.Object
implements DateFormatter
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
    java.lang.String format​(java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor accessor)
    Print the supplied java time accessor in a string based representation according to this formatter
    java.lang.String formatJoda​(org.joda.time.DateTime dateTime)
    Return the given Joda DateTime formatted with this format.
    java.lang.String formatMillis​(long millis)
    Return the given millis-since-epoch formatted with this format.
    int hashCode()  
    java.util.Locale locale()
    Returns the configured locale of the date formatter
    java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor parse​(java.lang.String input)
    Try to parse input to a java time TemporalAccessor
    org.joda.time.DateTime parseJoda​(java.lang.String input)
    Parse the given input into a Joda DateTime.
    long parseMillis​(java.lang.String input)
    Parse the given input into millis-since-epoch.
    java.lang.String pattern()
    A name based format for this formatter.
    DateMathParser toDateMathParser()
    Create a DateMathParser from the existing formatter
    DateFormatter withLocale​(java.util.Locale locale)
    Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified locale
    JodaDateFormatter withYear​(int year)  
    DateFormatter withZone​(java.time.ZoneId zoneId)
    Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified time zone
    java.time.ZoneId zone()
    Returns the configured time zone of the date formatter

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor parse​(java.lang.String input)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Try to parse input to a java time TemporalAccessor
      Specified by:
      parse in interface DateFormatter
      input - An arbitrary string resembling the string representation of a date or time
      The java time object containing the parsed input
    • parseMillis

      public long parseMillis​(java.lang.String input)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Parse the given input into millis-since-epoch.
      Specified by:
      parseMillis in interface DateFormatter
    • parseJoda

      public org.joda.time.DateTime parseJoda​(java.lang.String input)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Parse the given input into a Joda DateTime.
      Specified by:
      parseJoda in interface DateFormatter
    • withZone

      public DateFormatter withZone​(java.time.ZoneId zoneId)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified time zone
      Specified by:
      withZone in interface DateFormatter
      zoneId - The time zone to act on
      A copy of the date formatter this has been called on
    • withLocale

      public DateFormatter withLocale​(java.util.Locale locale)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified locale
      Specified by:
      withLocale in interface DateFormatter
      locale - The local to use for the new formatter
      A copy of the date formatter this has been called on
    • format

      public java.lang.String format​(java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor accessor)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Print the supplied java time accessor in a string based representation according to this formatter
      Specified by:
      format in interface DateFormatter
      accessor - The temporal accessor used to format
      The string result for the formatting
    • formatJoda

      public java.lang.String formatJoda​(org.joda.time.DateTime dateTime)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Return the given Joda DateTime formatted with this format.
      Specified by:
      formatJoda in interface DateFormatter
    • formatMillis

      public java.lang.String formatMillis​(long millis)
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Return the given millis-since-epoch formatted with this format.
      Specified by:
      formatMillis in interface DateFormatter
    • withYear

      public JodaDateFormatter withYear​(int year)
    • pattern

      public java.lang.String pattern()
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      A name based format for this formatter. Can be one of the registered formatters like epoch_millis or a configured format like HH:mm:ss
      Specified by:
      pattern in interface DateFormatter
      The name of this formatter
    • locale

      public java.util.Locale locale()
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Returns the configured locale of the date formatter
      Specified by:
      locale in interface DateFormatter
      The locale of this formatter
    • zone

      public java.time.ZoneId zone()
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Returns the configured time zone of the date formatter
      Specified by:
      zone in interface DateFormatter
      The time zone of this formatter
    • toDateMathParser

      public DateMathParser toDateMathParser()
      Description copied from interface: DateFormatter
      Create a DateMathParser from the existing formatter
      Specified by:
      toDateMathParser in interface DateFormatter
      The DateMathParser object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      equals in class java.lang.Object