Class RemoteRecoveryTargetHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RemoteRecoveryTargetHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements RecoveryTargetHandler
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    RemoteRecoveryTargetHandler​(long recoveryId, ShardId shardId, TransportService transportService, DiscoveryNode targetNode, RecoverySettings recoverySettings, java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Long> onSourceThrottle)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void cancel()  
    void cleanFiles​(int totalTranslogOps, long globalCheckpoint, Store.MetadataSnapshot sourceMetadata, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
    After all source files has been sent over, this command is sent to the target so it can clean any local files that are not part of the source store
    void finalizeRecovery​(long globalCheckpoint, long trimAboveSeqNo, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
    The finalize request refreshes the engine now that new segments are available, enables garbage collection of tombstone files, updates the global checkpoint.
    void handoffPrimaryContext​(ReplicationTracker.PrimaryContext primaryContext)
    Handoff the primary context between the relocation source and the relocation target.
    void indexTranslogOperations​(java.util.List<Translog.Operation> operations, int totalTranslogOps, long maxSeenAutoIdTimestampOnPrimary, long maxSeqNoOfDeletesOrUpdatesOnPrimary, RetentionLeases retentionLeases, long mappingVersionOnPrimary, ActionListener<java.lang.Long> listener)
    Index a set of translog operations on the target
    void prepareForTranslogOperations​(int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
    Prepares the target to receive translog operations, after all file have been copied
    void receiveFileInfo​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> phase1FileNames, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> phase1FileSizes, java.util.List<java.lang.String> phase1ExistingFileNames, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> phase1ExistingFileSizes, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
    Notifies the target of the files it is going to receive
    DiscoveryNode targetNode()  
    void writeFileChunk​(StoreFileMetadata fileMetadata, long position, BytesReference content, boolean lastChunk, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
    writes a partial file chunk to the target store

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • targetNode

      public DiscoveryNode targetNode()
    • prepareForTranslogOperations

      public void prepareForTranslogOperations​(int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      Prepares the target to receive translog operations, after all file have been copied
      Specified by:
      prepareForTranslogOperations in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
      totalTranslogOps - total translog operations expected to be sent
    • finalizeRecovery

      public void finalizeRecovery​(long globalCheckpoint, long trimAboveSeqNo, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      The finalize request refreshes the engine now that new segments are available, enables garbage collection of tombstone files, updates the global checkpoint.
      Specified by:
      finalizeRecovery in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
      globalCheckpoint - the global checkpoint on the recovery source
      trimAboveSeqNo - The recovery target should erase its existing translog above this sequence number from the previous primary terms.
      listener - the listener which will be notified when this method is completed
    • handoffPrimaryContext

      public void handoffPrimaryContext​(ReplicationTracker.PrimaryContext primaryContext)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      Handoff the primary context between the relocation source and the relocation target.
      Specified by:
      handoffPrimaryContext in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
      primaryContext - the primary context from the relocation source
    • indexTranslogOperations

      public void indexTranslogOperations​(java.util.List<Translog.Operation> operations, int totalTranslogOps, long maxSeenAutoIdTimestampOnPrimary, long maxSeqNoOfDeletesOrUpdatesOnPrimary, RetentionLeases retentionLeases, long mappingVersionOnPrimary, ActionListener<java.lang.Long> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      Index a set of translog operations on the target
      Specified by:
      indexTranslogOperations in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
      operations - operations to index
      totalTranslogOps - current number of total operations expected to be indexed
      maxSeenAutoIdTimestampOnPrimary - the maximum auto_id_timestamp of all append-only requests processed by the primary shard
      maxSeqNoOfDeletesOrUpdatesOnPrimary - the max seq_no of update operations (index operations overwrite Lucene) or delete ops on the primary shard when capturing these operations. This value is at least as high as the max_seq_no_of_updates on the primary was when any of these ops were processed on it.
      retentionLeases - the retention leases on the primary
      mappingVersionOnPrimary - the mapping version which is at least as up to date as the mapping version that the primary used to index translog operations in this request. If the mapping version on the replica is not older this version, we should not retry on MapperException; otherwise we should wait for a new mapping then retry.
      listener - a listener which will be notified with the local checkpoint on the target after these operations are successfully indexed on the target.
    • receiveFileInfo

      public void receiveFileInfo​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> phase1FileNames, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> phase1FileSizes, java.util.List<java.lang.String> phase1ExistingFileNames, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> phase1ExistingFileSizes, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      Notifies the target of the files it is going to receive
      Specified by:
      receiveFileInfo in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
    • cleanFiles

      public void cleanFiles​(int totalTranslogOps, long globalCheckpoint, Store.MetadataSnapshot sourceMetadata, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      After all source files has been sent over, this command is sent to the target so it can clean any local files that are not part of the source store
      Specified by:
      cleanFiles in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
      totalTranslogOps - an update number of translog operations that will be replayed later on
      globalCheckpoint - the global checkpoint on the primary
      sourceMetadata - meta data of the source store
    • writeFileChunk

      public void writeFileChunk​(StoreFileMetadata fileMetadata, long position, BytesReference content, boolean lastChunk, int totalTranslogOps, ActionListener<java.lang.Void> listener)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryTargetHandler
      writes a partial file chunk to the target store
      Specified by:
      writeFileChunk in interface RecoveryTargetHandler
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface RecoveryTargetHandler