Class Node

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable

    public class Node
    extends java.lang.Object
    A node represent a node within a cluster ( The client() can be used in order to use a Client to perform actions/operations against the cluster.
    • Field Detail


        public static final Setting<java.lang.Boolean> WRITE_PORTS_FILE_SETTING

        public static final Setting<java.lang.Boolean> NODE_LOCAL_STORAGE_SETTING
        controls whether the node is allowed to persist things like metadata to disk Note that this does not control whether the node stores actual indices (see NODE_DATA_SETTING). However, if this is false, NODE_DATA_SETTING and NODE_MASTER_SETTING must also be false.

        public static final Setting<java.lang.String> NODE_NAME_SETTING

        public static final Setting<java.lang.String> BREAKER_TYPE_KEY
    • Constructor Detail

      • Node

        protected Node​(Environment initialEnvironment,
                       java.util.Collection<java.lang.Class<? extends Plugin>> classpathPlugins,
                       boolean forbidPrivateIndexSettings)
        Constructs a node
        initialEnvironment - the initial environment for this node, which will be added to by plugins
        classpathPlugins - the plugins to be loaded from the classpath
        forbidPrivateIndexSettings - whether or not private index settings are forbidden when creating an index; this is used in the test framework for tests that rely on being able to set private settings