server 2.17.1 API
A distributed RESTful search engine.
Actions that OpenSearch can take either on the data stored on disk or on other nodes.
Cluster allocation transport handlers.
Cluster configuration transport handlers.
Crypto client request and settings handlers.
Delete decommission transport handlers.
Transport handlers for getting status of decommission request
Transport handlers for putting a new decommission request
Cluster Health transport handlers.
Hot threads at node level transport handlers.
Node Info transport handlers.
Node liveness transport handlers.
Node reloading secured settings transport handlers.
Node Stats transport handlers.
Transport handler for Cancelling Node Tasks
Transport handlers for getting Node Tasks.
Transport handlers for listing node tasks.
Node Usage transport handlers.
Remote Node Information transport handlers.
Restore remote store transport handler.
Remote store stats transport handler.
Transport handler for cleaning up a snapshot repository.
Transport handler for deleting a snapshot repository.
Transport handler for getting a snapshot repository.
Transport handlers for putting a new snapshot repository
Transport handler for verifying a snapshot repository.
Cluster reroute transport handlers.
Cluster settings transport handlers.
Search Shards transport handlers.
delete weighted-round robin shard routing weights.
get weighted-round robin shard routing weights.
add/update weighted-round robin shard routing weights.
Clone Snapshot transport handler.
Create Snapshot transport handler.
Delete Snapshot transport handler.
Get Snapshot transport handler.
Restore Snapshot transport handler.
Snapshot Status transport handlers.
Cluster State transport handler.
Cluster Stats transport handlers.
Stored Scripts transport handlers.
Pending Cluster Tasks transport handlers.
Alias transport handlers.
Get Alias transport handler.
Indices analyze transport handler.
Clear indices cache transport handler.
Close indices transport handlers.
Create index action.
Dangling indices are indices that exist on disk on one or more nodes but
which do not currently exist in the cluster state.
Delete Dangling Indices transport handlers.
Find Dangling Indices transport handlers.
Import Dangling Index transport handler.
List Dangling Indices transport handler.
Data Stream transport handlers.
Delete index action.
Index Exists transport handler.
Flush index/indices action.
Force merge index/indices action.
Get Index transport handler.
Get Mapping transport handlers.
Put Mapping Action.
Open Index transport handlers.
ReadOnly Index transport handlers.
Index Recovery transport handlers.
Refresh index/indices action.
Segment Replication Stats transport handlers.
Index Resolve transport handler.
Index Rollover transport handlers.
Segment level transport handlers.
Get Index Settings transport handler.
Put Settings transport handler.
Index Shards transport handlers.
Shrink Index transport handlers.
Index Stats transport handlers.
Delete Index Templates transport handlers.
Get Index Templates transport handlers.
Post Index Templates transport handlers.
Put Index Templates transport handlers.
Actions that OpenSearch can take to tier the indices
Get Upgrade Indices transport handlers.
Post Upgrade Indices transport handlers.
Validate action.
Bulk API transport handlers.
Delete action.
Explain action.
Field Capabilities transport handlers.
Get action.
Index action.
Ingest API transport handlers.
Main Response transport handlers.
Resync action transport handlers.
Search action.
Transport handler Support Classes.
Broadcast info transport handlers.
Node Level Broadcast transport handlers.
Cluster Manager Node transport handlers.
Cluster Manager Node Information transport handlers.
Cluster Term transport handler.
Master Node transport handlers.
Master Node Information transport handlers.
Node request transport handlers.
Replication transport handlers.
Single Instance transport handlers.
Single Shard transport handlers.
Base Task Request transport handlers.
Get the term vector for a specific document.
Update Action transport handlers.
The bootstrap module implementing OpenSearch bootstrap operations.
jvm specific bootstrapping
The command line interface module.
The client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations.
The node client module allowing to easily perform actions/operations at node level.
The Abstract client for implementing new client types.
Transport Client support classes.
Cluster level classes.
Cluster Acknowledgment transport handlers.
Cluster Index Action transport handlers.
Cluster Shard State transport handlers.
Core classes responsible for handling all application based configuration templates related operations.
Cluster HA Health Foundation classes.
Cluster Block level classes.
Cluster Coordination foundation classes.
Decommission lifecycle classes
Cluster Health Foundation classes.
Cluster metadata foundation classes.
Cluster Node discovery foundation classes.
Cluster level shard routing and recovery classes.
Shard Allocation Foundation Classes.
Foundation classes to ensure balanced shards.
Allocation Command transport handlers.
Foundation Classes to Decide how to allocate and balance shards
Package containing class to perform operations on remote routing table
Cluster Service foundation classes.
Base package for common classes used across the OpenSearch server codebase.
Base Blob Store package.
Exceptions for blobstore abstractions
Base FileSystem Blobstore package.
Abstractions for stream based file reads from the blob store.
Abstractions for stream based file reads from the blob store.
Abstractions for stream based file writes
Base Support classes package for BlobStore implementation.
Contains transfer related utilities for
Contains encapsulations to create streams for part uploads
Common Circuit Breaker package.
Base BytesRef package.
Base Cache package.
Base package for cache providers.
A package for policies controlling what can enter caches.
A package for serializers used in caches.
Package related to cache service
Base package for cache settings
A package for cache stats.
Base package for store aware caches.
Base package for builders.
Base package for store aware cache config
Base package for cache setting
Base collections package.
Base compression package.
Service Provider Interface for registering the
with the
.Base Concurrency package.
Base Document Level package.
Base Geo package.
Base Geo Builders package.
Base Geo Parsers package.
Base hashing package.
Google Guice (pronounced "juice") is an ultra-lightweight dependency
injection framework.
Extension for combining factory interfaces with injection; this extension requires
.Interfaces which make up
expression language.Guice (sounds like like "juice")
Used for matching things.
Extension for binding multiple instances in a collection; this extension requires
.Support for binding to string-based names.
Guice service provider interface
Helper methods for working with Guice.
Base IO package.
Classes for streaming objects from one OpenSearch node to another over its binary internode protocol.
Base Joda Time package.
Base logger package.
Common OpenSearch Lucene implementation package.
OpenSearch Lucene Index package.
Base OpenSearch Specific Lucene Query package.
Base Lucene Function Scoring package.
OpenSearch specific lucene store package.
OpenSearch specific lucene sequence numbers package.
Base metrics package.
Base networking support classes package.
Base Path utility package.
Base Regex utility package.
Common remote store package
Settings based utility.
Base Time utility package.
Base Units of Measure utility package.
Base Utilitiy Classes package.
Base concurrency utilities package.
Base iterables utility package.
Base XContent parsing and building utiilty class package.
XContent specific support classes package.
Package for crypto client abstractions and exceptions.
Node Discovery Module Foundation Classes.
OpenSearch Environment Foundation Classes.
Main OpenSearch extensions package.
Actions classes for the extensions package.
REST Actions classes for the extensions package.
Settings classes for the extensions package.
Gateway Foundation Classes.
Package containing class to perform operations on remote cluster state
Package containing models for remote cluster state
Package containing class to perform operations on remote routing table.
Core http module implementing http transport request and responses
Core identity and access controls for OpenSearch
Classes for the noop authentication in OpenSearch
Classes for the authentication tokens in OpenSearch
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing operations in OpenSearch
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing analysis operations
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing cache operations
Core classes responsible for handling all bitset operations for indexing cache
Core classes responsible for handling all query cache operations
Core transport classes responsible for handling all indexing cache requests
Core classes responsible for handling all codec service and operations
classes responsible for handling all composite index codecs and operations
Responsible for handling all composite index codecs and operations associated with Composite99 codec
classes responsible for handling all fuzzy codecs and operations
Core classes for handling composite indices.
Core classes for handling data cube indices such as star tree index.
Core classes for handling star tree index.
Aggregators for Composite Index Star Tree
Builders for Composite Index Star Tree
File formats for star tree
Writer package for star tree
Meta package for star tree
Holds classes associated with star tree node with file formats
Classes responsible for handling all star tree values from the segment
Holds classes associated with star tree node
Utility to support Composite Index Star Tree
Package containing OpenSearch document queries
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing engine operations
Core classes responsible for handling all field data logic
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing field comparator operations
Core classes responsible for handling all field ordinals operations
Core classes responsible for handling all core field data operations
FieldVisitor classes for retrieving field values from lucene
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing flush statistics
Package containing support Classes for Getting data from an Index
Package containing OpenSearch Field Mappers
Core classes responsible for handling all merge stats requests
Query implementations
Foundation classes for implementing Function Scoring
Support classes for OpenSearch Queries - todo remove this package?
Recovery stats implementation
Refresh stats implementation
Reindex implementation
Core classes related to remote segments and translogs
Utility classes for building OpenSearch queries
Additional comparators for numeric types
Classes for obtaining search statistics
Sequence number and retention lease implementation
Package containing classes to implement an Index Shard
Package containing the OpenSearch SimilarityService and Providers
Foundation classes for snapshot / restore
Classes implementing blob store for snapshot / restore
Classes responsible for handing ShardIndexingPressure statistics
Package containing classes to access files written by an index shard.
Contains exceptions thrown during segment file uploads
Package containing classes for remote segment store md lock manager
Package containing classes to create remoted snapshot directories
Package containing classes to abstract IndexInput as on demand blocked (partitioned) files and as a remote blob store backed
This package contains class used for File System Caching for remote store
Package containing metadata constructs for Remote Segment store
Package containing utils used in remote store
Reference counted cache which is a cache which takes into consideration reference count per cache entry and it's eviction policy
depends on current reference count.
Cache stats for reference counted cache
TermVectorsService package
Core classes responsible for handling all translog operations
Provides mechanism to listen into translog operations
Core classes responsible for handling all translog operations
Core classes responsible for handling all translog operations
Core classes responsible for handling all indexing warming operations
Indices Module package.
Analysis Module package.
CircuitBreaker Service package.
Indices ClusterState Service package.
FieldData Cache package.
Field Mapper Registry package.
Peer Recovery Package.
Document vs Segment Replication classes.
Package containing classes to implement a replication checkpoint
Foundation classes for Replication Implementation.
Base package for index store.
Validator layer checks that OpenSearch can perform to tier the indices
Ingest Processor base package.
OpenSearch specific lucene query implementations.
Monitors the OpenSearch process and the system on which it is running so that metrics can be exposed via an HTTP or transport APIs to
be logged and graphed.
FileSystem monitoring package.
JVM Monitoring base package.
OperatingSystem monitoring base package.
Process monitoring base package.
Allow to build a
which is a
node within the cluster.Restore remote store transport handler.
Node level resource usage stats tracker package
The Persistent Tasks Executors are responsible for executing restartable tasks that can survive disappearance of a
coordinating and executor nodes.
Persistant Task Decider package.
Support for extending OpenSearch by providing java code that is loaded by a child classloader.
This package contains interfaces for services provided by
OpenSearch plugins to external applications like the
Java High Level Rest Client.
This package contains base classes needed for the admissionController Feature
This package contains classes related to the different admission controllers
This package contains enums related to the different admission controller feature
This package contains settings related classes for the different admission controllers
This package contains stats related classes for the admissionController Feature
This package contains transport related classes for the admissionController Feature
Repositories of snapshot/restore information.
This package exposes the blobstore repository used by OpenSearch Snapshots.
FileSystem snapshot repository store package.
Exposes OpenSearch functionality over RESTful HTTP.
s that translate requests from REST into internal requests and start them then wait for them to
complete and then translate them back into REST.RestHandler
s for administrative actions that can be taken on the cluster as a whole like getting the
listing tasks, adding repositories, and getting stats.RestHandler
s for managing dangling indices.RestHandler
s for administrative actions that can be taken on indexes like creation, deletion, setting up
aliases, and changing mapping.RestHandler
s for actions that spit out tables of results.RestHandler
s for actions that can be taken on documents like index, update, get, and delete.RestHandler
s that manage ingest pipelines.RestHandler
s for search actions like search, scroll, and suggest.Support for running user provided scripts (in the request, in cluster state, etc) in portions of various requests
, Aggregation
, etc).Base Search package.
Builds analytic information over all hits in a search request.
Aggregations module
Adjacency Aggregation package.
Composite Aggregation package.
filter Aggregation package.
This package contains filter rewrite optimization for range-type aggregations
Global Aggregation package.
Histogram module for different bucket specifications used in aggregation.
Missing Aggregation package.
Nested Aggregation package.
Range Aggregation package.
Sampler Aggregation package.
Base Terms Aggregation package.
Heuristic package for the Terms Aggregations.
Aggregations module
Pipeline Aggregation package.
This package holds shared code for the aggregations framework, especially around dealing with values.
Base Values Source for Aggregations package.
Approximation query framework to approximate commonly used queries
This package contains classes responsible for search backpressure.
This package contains settings for search backpressure.
This package contains models required for the search backpressure stats API response.
This package contains trackers to check if resource usage limits are breached on a node or task level.
Search builders package.
Base Collapse package.
This package contains classes assist in deciding
whether to run a search request using concurrent search or not.
Base DFS search package.
Search phase that fetches the top hits from the shards after the results of the query phase have been merged.
Built in
s like matched queries and fetching _source
.Fetch sub phase that extracts significant portions of string fields, marking the matches.
Base Search Internals package.
Base Lookup package for Fields, Docs, Source, and Leaves.
Search pipelines base package.
Profiling for portions of the search request.
Profiles the aggregation portion of a search request.
Profiles the query portion of a search request.
Base Query Listeners package.
Base Query rescorer package.
Base search after package.
Base slice query package.
Base sorting package.
Support for suggesting alternate queries.
Suggests alternate queries by fancy prefix matching.
Support for limiting the completion suggesters results to within a "context" like a geographic location or a category.
Suggests alternate queries by breaking the query into terms and suggesting terms that are frequently found together.
Suggests alternate queries by breaking the query into terms and suggesting more popular terms.
This package exposes the OpenSearch Snapshot functionality.
Support for viewing and modifying in flight actions (
s) and saving their results to an index.Support for adding consumers to consume task related information.
This package contains classes needed for telemetry.
This package contains classes needed for telemetry.
This package contains classes needed for tracing requests.
This package contains classes needed for tracing requests.
This package contains classes needed for tracing requests.
This package contains classes needed for tracing requests.
Base OpenSearch ThreadPool package.
All Transport Classes needed for wire communication in OpenSearch
Native transport protocol package.
Base Usage Service package for tracking OpenSearch telemetry.
Base File / Directory Watcher package.
This package contains workload management constructs
WLM related listener constructs
Query group stats related artifacts
QueryGroup resource tracking artifacts