Package org.opensearch.repositories
package org.opensearch.repositories
Repositories of snapshot/restore information.
ClassDescriptionRepository that is filteredRepresents a single snapshotted index in the repository.Tracks the blob uuids of blobs containing
for snapshots as well an identifier for each of these blobs.Sets up classes for Snapshot/Restore.Service responsible for maintaining and providing access to snapshot repositories on nodes.Encapsulates stats for multiple repositoriesArchive of repository statsAn interface for interacting with a repository in snapshot and restore.An factory interface for constructing repositories.Result of a repository cleanup actionA class that represents the data in a repository, as captured in the repository's index blob.Generic repository exceptionInformation about a repositoryRepository missing exceptionCoordinates of an operation that modifies a repository, assuming that repository at a specific generation.Represents a shard snapshot in a repository.Stats about a repositoryStats snapshot about a repositoryRepository verification exceptionGenerations of shards for snapshotsBuilder for the shard generations.Exception thrown when a repository fails verificationAction to verify a node repositoryRequest to verify a node repository.