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indent(Integer,Object,Boolean,Boolean) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Takes a shot at pretty-printing anything you throw at it.
indent(Integer,Object,Boolean) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Takes a shot at pretty-printing anything you throw at it.
indent(Integer,Object) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Takes a shot at pretty-printing anything you throw at it.
indentedStr(Integer) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.IndentedStringable
Like toString() but indented to show the structure of your data.
IndentedStringable - class in org.organicdesign.indented
If your class makes a data structure, then indented output showing any tree structures will greatly ease debugging.
iterableToStr(Integer,String,Iterable,Boolean,Boolean) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Pretty-prints any iterable with the given indent and class/field name
iterableToStr(Integer,String,Iterable,Boolean) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Pretty-prints any iterable with the given indent and class/field name
iterableToStr(Integer,String,Iterable) - function in org.organicdesign.indented.StringUtils
Pretty-prints any iterable with the given indent and class/field name
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