Interface MutSet<E>

    • Method Detail

      • immutable

        ImSet<E> immutable()
        Returns an immutable version of this immutable set.
      • put

        @NotNull MutSet<E> put​(E val)
        Adds an element. If the element already exists in this set, the new value overwrites the old one. If the new element is the same as an old element (based on the address of that item in memory, not an equals test), the old set may be returned unchanged.
        Specified by:
        put in interface BaseSet<E>
        val - the element to add to this set
        a new set with the element added (see note above about adding duplicate elements).
      • union

        default @NotNull MutSet<E> union​(Iterable<? extends E> iter)
        Returns a new set containing all the items.
        Specified by:
        union in interface BaseSet<E>
      • without

        @NotNull MutSet<E> without​(E key)
        Removes this key from the set
        Specified by:
        without in interface BaseSet<E>