Class HostsServiceImpl

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public HostsService.AddRequest add()
        Description copied from interface: HostsService
        Creates a new host. The host is created based on the attributes of the `host` parameter. The `name`, `address`, and `root_password` properties are required. For example, to add a host, send the following request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts ---- With the following request body: [source,xml] ---- myhost
        ---- NOTE: The `root_password` element is only included in the client-provided initial representation and is not exposed in the representations returned from subsequent requests. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.1.2 of the engine, when a host is newly added, the host's firewall definitions are overridden by default. To add a hosted engine host, use the optional `deploy_hosted_engine` parameter: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?deploy_hosted_engine=true ---- If the cluster has a default external network provider that is supported for automatic deployment, the external network provider is deployed when adding the host. Only external network providers for OVN are supported for the automatic deployment. To deploy an external network provider other than the one defined in the clusters, overwrite the external network provider when adding hosts, by sending the following request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts ---- With a request body that contains a reference to the desired provider in the `external_network_provider_configuration`: [source,xml] ---- myhost
        Specified by:
        add in interface HostsService
      • list

        public HostsService.ListRequest list()
        Description copied from interface: HostsService
        Get a list of all available hosts. For example, to list the hosts send the following request: .... GET /ovirt-engine/api/hosts .... The response body will be similar to this: [source,xml] ---- ... ... ... ---- The order of the returned list of hosts is guaranteed only if the `sortby` clause is included in the `search` parameter.
        Specified by:
        list in interface HostsService
      • service

        public Service service​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: HostsService
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.
        Specified by:
        service in interface HostsService