Interface HostsService.AddRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface HostsService.AddRequest
    extends Request<HostsService.AddRequest,​HostsService.AddResponse>
    Creates a new host. The host is created based on the attributes of the `host` parameter. The `name`, `address`, and `root_password` properties are required. For example, to add a host, send the following request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts ---- With the following request body: [source,xml] ---- myhost
    ---- NOTE: The `root_password` element is only included in the client-provided initial representation and is not exposed in the representations returned from subsequent requests. IMPORTANT: Since version 4.1.2 of the engine, when a host is newly added, the host's firewall definitions are overridden by default. To add a hosted engine host, use the optional `deploy_hosted_engine` parameter: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts?deploy_hosted_engine=true ---- If the cluster has a default external network provider that is supported for automatic deployment, the external network provider is deployed when adding the host. Only external network providers for OVN are supported for the automatic deployment. To deploy an external network provider other than the one defined in the clusters, overwrite the external network provider when adding hosts, by sending the following request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts ---- With a request body that contains a reference to the desired provider in the `external_network_provider_configuration`: [source,xml] ---- myhost
    • Method Detail

      • activate

        HostsService.AddRequest activate​(Boolean activate)
        When set to `true`, this host will be activated after its installation completes. When set to `false` the host will remain in `maintenance` status after its installation. Absence of this parameter will be interpreted as `true`, since the desired default behavior is activating the host after install.
      • deployHostedEngine

        HostsService.AddRequest deployHostedEngine​(Boolean deployHostedEngine)
        When set to `true`, this host deploys the hosted engine components. A missing value is treated as `true`, i.e., deploy the hosted engine components. Omitting this parameter equals `false`, and the host performs no operation in the hosted engine area.
      • host

        HostsService.AddRequest host​(HostBuilder host)
        The host definition with which the new host is created is passed as a parameter, and the newly created host is returned.
      • reboot

        HostsService.AddRequest reboot​(Boolean reboot)
        Indicates if the host should be rebooted after successful installation. The default value is `true`.
      • undeployHostedEngine

        HostsService.AddRequest undeployHostedEngine​(Boolean undeployHostedEngine)
        When set to `true`, this host un-deploys the hosted engine components and does not function as part of the High Availability cluster. A missing value is treated as `true`, i.e., un-deploy. Omitting this parameter equals `false` and the host performs no operation in the hosted engine area.