Interface EventService.GetRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface EventService.GetRequest
    extends Request<EventService.GetRequest,​EventService.GetResponse>
    Get an event. An example of getting an event: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events/123 ---- [source,xml] ---- Host was added by admin@internal-authz. 42 135 -1 30 oVirt normal ---- Note that the number of fields changes according to the information that resides on the event. For example, for storage domain related events you will get the storage domain reference, as well as the reference for the data center this storage domain resides in.
    • Method Detail

      • follow

        EventService.GetRequest follow​(String follow)
        Indicates which inner links should be _followed_. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See <> for details.