Interface EventsService.ListRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface EventsService.ListRequest
    extends Request<EventsService.ListRequest,​EventsService.ListResponse>
    Get list of events. [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events ---- To the above request we get following response: [source,xml] ---- User admin@internal-authz logged out. 31 1e892ea9 -1 30 oVirt normal User admin logged in. 30 1fbd81f4 -1 30 oVirt normal ---- The following events occur: * id="1" - The API logs in the admin user account. * id="2" - The API logs out of the admin user account. The order of the returned list of events is always garanteed. If the `sortby` clause is included in the `search` parameter, then the events will be ordered according to that clause. If the `sortby` clause isn't included, then the events will be sorted by the numeric value of the `id` attribute, starting with the highest value. This, combined with the `max` parameter, simplifies obtaining the most recent event: .... GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?max=1 ....
    • Method Detail

      • caseSensitive

        EventsService.ListRequest caseSensitive​(Boolean caseSensitive)
        Indicates if the search performed using the `search` parameter should be performed taking case into account. The default value is `true`, which means that case is taken into account. If you want to search ignoring case set it to `false`.
      • follow

        EventsService.ListRequest follow​(String follow)
        Indicates which inner links should be _followed_. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See <> for details.
      • from

        EventsService.ListRequest from​(Integer from)
        Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. The indexes of events are strictly increasing, so when this parameter is used only the events with greater indexes will be returned. For example, the following request will return only the events with indexes greater than `123`: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?from=123 ---- This parameter is optional, and if not specified then the first event returned will be most recently generated.
      • from

        EventsService.ListRequest from​(Long from)
        Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. The indexes of events are strictly increasing, so when this parameter is used only the events with greater indexes will be returned. For example, the following request will return only the events with indexes greater than `123`: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?from=123 ---- This parameter is optional, and if not specified then the first event returned will be most recently generated.
      • from

        EventsService.ListRequest from​(BigInteger from)
        Indicates the event index after which events should be returned. The indexes of events are strictly increasing, so when this parameter is used only the events with greater indexes will be returned. For example, the following request will return only the events with indexes greater than `123`: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?from=123 ---- This parameter is optional, and if not specified then the first event returned will be most recently generated.
      • search

        EventsService.ListRequest search​(String search)
        The events service provides search queries similar to other resource services. We can search by providing specific severity. [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=severity%3Dnormal ---- To the above request we get a list of events which severity is equal to `normal`: [source,xml] ---- User admin@internal-authz logged out. 31 1fbd81f4 -1 30 oVirt normal Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager started. 10780 -1 30 oVirt normal ---- A virtualization environment generates a large amount of events after a period of time. However, the API only displays a default number of events for one search query. To display more than the default, the API separates results into pages with the page command in a search query. The following search query tells the API to paginate results using a page value in combination with the sortby clause: [source] ---- sortby time asc page 1 ---- Below example paginates event resources. The URL-encoded request is: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%201 ---- Increase the page value to view the next page of results. [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/events?search=sortby%20time%20asc%20page%202 ----