Interface GlusterBrickService.GetRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface GlusterBrickService.GetRequest
    extends Request<GlusterBrickService.GetRequest,​GlusterBrickService.GetResponse>
    Get details of a brick. Retrieves status details of brick from underlying gluster volume with header `All-Content` set to `true`. This is the equivalent of running `gluster volume status detail`. For example, to get the details of brick `234` of gluster volume `123`, send a request like this: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/234 ---- Which will return a response body like this: [source,xml] ---- host1:/rhgs/data/brick1 /rhgs/data/brick1 111 up /dev/mapper/RHGS_vg1-lv_vmaddldisks xfs 2818417648 1384694844 1011 client2 data-server:fd_t 1626348 1020 4 23 0 140 0 rw,seclabel,noatime,nodiratime,attr2,inode64,sunit=512,swidth=2048,noquota 25589 49155 ----
    • Method Detail

      • follow

        GlusterBrickService.GetRequest follow​(String follow)
        Indicates which inner links should be _followed_. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See <> for details.