Interface HostService.CommitNetConfigRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface HostService.CommitNetConfigRequest
    extends Request<HostService.CommitNetConfigRequest,​HostService.CommitNetConfigResponse>
    Marks the network configuration as good and persists it inside the host. An API user commits the network configuration to persist a host network interface attachment or detachment, or persist the creation and deletion of a bonded interface. IMPORTANT: Networking configuration is only committed after the engine has established that host connectivity is not lost as a result of the configuration changes. If host connectivity is lost, the host requires a reboot and automatically reverts to the previous networking configuration. For example, to commit the network configuration of host with id `123` send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/hosts/123/commitnetconfig ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- ---- IMPORTANT: Since {engine-name} 4.3, it is possible to also specify `commit_on_success` in the <> request, in which case the new configuration is automatically saved in the {hypervisor-name} upon completing the setup and re-establishing connectivity between the {hypervisor-name} and {engine-name}, and without waiting for a separate <> request.