Interface ImageService.ImportRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface ImageService.ImportRequest
    extends Request<ImageService.ImportRequest,​ImageService.ImportResponse>
    Imports an image. If the `import_as_template` parameter is `true` then the image will be imported as a template, otherwise it will be imported as a disk. When imported as a template, the name of the template can be specified by the optional `` parameter. If that parameter is not specified, then the name of the template will be automatically assigned by the engine as `GlanceTemplate-x` (where `x` will be seven random hexadecimal characters). When imported as a disk, the name of the disk can be specified by the optional `` parameter. If that parameter is not specified, then the name of the disk will be automatically assigned by the engine as `GlanceDisk-x` (where `x` will be the seven hexadecimal characters of the image identifier). It is recommended to always explicitly specify the template or disk name, to avoid these automatic names generated by the engine.