Interface StorageDomainVmService.ImportRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface StorageDomainVmService.ImportRequest
    extends Request<StorageDomainVmService.ImportRequest,​StorageDomainVmService.ImportResponse>
    Imports a virtual machine from an export storage domain. For example, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/vms/456/import ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- mydata mycluster ---- To import a virtual machine as a new entity add the `clone` parameter: [source,xml] ---- mydata mycluster true myvm ---- Include an optional `disks` parameter to choose which disks to import. For example, to import the disks of the template that have the identifiers `123` and `456` send the following request body: [source,xml] ---- mycluster myvm ---- If you register an entity without specifying the cluster ID or name, the cluster name from the entity's OVF will be used (unless the register request also includes the cluster mapping).