Interface TemplatesService.AddFromVmSnapshotRequest

    • Method Detail

      • clonePermissions

        TemplatesService.AddFromVmSnapshotRequest clonePermissions​(Boolean clonePermissions)
        Specifies if the permissions of the virtual machine should be copied to the template. If this optional parameter is provided, and its value is `true`, then the permissions of the virtual machine (only the direct ones, not the inherited ones) will be copied to the created template. For example, to create a template from the `myvm` virtual machine copying its permissions, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/templates?clone_permissions=true ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- ----
      • seal

        TemplatesService.AddFromVmSnapshotRequest seal​(Boolean seal)
        Seals the template. If this optional parameter is provided and its value is `true`, then the template is sealed after creation. Sealing erases all host-specific configuration from the filesystem: SSH keys, UDEV rules, MAC addresses, system ID, hostname, and so on, thus making it easier to use the template to create multiple virtual machines without manual intervention. Currently, sealing is supported only for Linux operating systems.