Interface VmsService.AddFromScratchRequest

    • Method Detail

      • clone_

        VmsService.AddFromScratchRequest clone_​(Boolean clone_)
        Specifies if the virtual machine should be independent of the template. When a virtual machine is created from a template by default the disks of the virtual machine depend on the disks of the template, they are using the[_copy on write_] mechanism so that only the differences from the template take up real storage space. If this parameter is specified and the value is `true` then the disks of the created virtual machine will be _cloned_, and independent of the template. For example, to create an independent virtual machine, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/vms?clone=true ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- myvm mycluster ---- NOTE: When this parameter is `true` the permissions of the template will also be copied, as when using `clone_permissions=true`.
      • clonePermissions

        VmsService.AddFromScratchRequest clonePermissions​(Boolean clonePermissions)
        Specifies if the permissions of the template should be copied to the virtual machine. If this optional parameter is provided, and its values is `true` then the permissions of the template (only the direct ones, not the inherited ones) will be copied to the created virtual machine. For example, to create a virtual machine from the `mytemplate` template copying its permissions, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms?clone_permissions=true ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- myvm mycluster ----
      • filter

        VmsService.AddFromScratchRequest filter​(Boolean filter)
        Relevant for admin users only. Indicates whether to assign UserVmManager role on the created Virtual Machine for this user. This will enable the user to later access the Virtual Machine as though he were a non-admin user, foregoing his admin permissions (by providing filter=true). NOTE: admin-as-user (meaning providing filter=true) POST requests on an existing Virtual Machine will fail unless the Virtual Machine has been previously created by the admin as a user (meaning with filter=true).