Interface AttributeProvider

    • Method Detail

      • get

        <AV extends AttributeValueAttributeBag<AV> get​(AttributeFqn attributeFQN,
                                                         Datatype<AV> datatype,
                                                         EvaluationContext context)
                                                  throws IndeterminateEvaluationException
        Provides values of the attribute matching the given designator data. If no value found, but no other error occurred, an empty bag is returned.
        attributeFQN - the global identifier (Category,Issuer,AttributeId) of the attribute to find
        context - the request context
        datatype - attribute datatype
        the result of retrieving the attribute, which will be a bag of values of type defined by returnDatatype; empty bag iff no value found and no error occurred.
        UnsupportedOperationException - attributeFQN or returnDatatype are not supported (the PDP engine should try another attribute provider if any)
        IndeterminateEvaluationException - attributeFQN or returnDatatype are supported but some error occurred while trying to resolve the attribute value(s)