Interface DecisionRequestBuilder<R extends DecisionRequest>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      R build​(boolean returnApplicablePolicies)
      Builds the final immutable DecisionRequest.
      net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode putContentIfAbsent​(String attributeCategory, net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode content)
      Puts extra Content (node) into a specific attribute category of the request, if the attribute category does not already have such Content in the request
      Bag<?> putNamedAttributeIfAbsent​(AttributeFqn attributeFQN, AttributeBag<?> attributeValues)
      Puts a named attribute into the request if the attribute is not already present in the request
      void reset()
      Reset/clear state to allow building a new request from scratch.
    • Method Detail

      • putNamedAttributeIfAbsent

        Bag<?> putNamedAttributeIfAbsent​(AttributeFqn attributeFQN,
                                         AttributeBag<?> attributeValues)
        Puts a named attribute into the request if the attribute is not already present in the request
        attributeFQN - attribute GUID (category, ID, issuer)
        attributeValues - attribute values
        previous values for this attribute in the request, else null if there was no such attribute in the request
      • putContentIfAbsent

        net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode putContentIfAbsent​(String attributeCategory,
                                                      net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode content)
        Puts extra Content (node) into a specific attribute category of the request, if the attribute category does not already have such Content in the request
        attributeCategory - attribute category
        content - extra content
        previous content in the same attribute category, else null if there was no such content
      • build

        R build​(boolean returnApplicablePolicies)
        Builds the final immutable DecisionRequest.
        returnApplicablePolicies - true iff the list of applicable policy identifiers is requested; equivalent of XACML Request's ReturnPolicyIdList flag
        a DecisionRequest
      • reset

        void reset()
        Reset/clear state to allow building a new request from scratch.