Class ComparisonFunction<AV extends AttributeValue & Comparable<AV>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComparisonFunction

        public ComparisonFunction​(Datatype<AV> paramType,
                                  ComparisonFunction.PostCondition postCondition)
        Creates a new comparison function. Resulting function ID = paramType.getFuncIdPrefix() + functionSuffix, where functionSuffix is:
        • If postCondition == GREATER_THAN, then the suffix is '-greater-than'
        • If postCondition == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, then the suffix is '-greater-than-or-equal'
        • If postCondition == LESSER_THAN, then the suffix is '-lesser-than'
        • If postCondition == LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, then the suffix is '-lesser-than-or-equal'
        As a result, for example, if paramType.getFuncIdPrefix() is 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:integer' and postCondition == GREATER_THAN, then the resulting function ID will be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:integer-greater-than'
        paramType - parameter type
        postCondition - post-condition to hold true when comparing the result of arg0.compareTo(arg1) to zero; where compareTo() function is similar to Comparable.compareTo(Object)
        IllegalArgumentException - if the function is unknown