Class DatatypeConversionFunction<PARAM_T extends AttributeValue,​RETURN_T extends AttributeValue>

  • Type Parameters:
    PARAM_T - parameter/input type
    RETURN_T - return/output type
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Function<RETURN_T>, PdpExtension, PrimitiveValue, Value

    public class DatatypeConversionFunction<PARAM_T extends AttributeValue,​RETURN_T extends AttributeValue>
    extends SingleParameterTypedFirstOrderFunction<RETURN_T,​PARAM_T>
    A superclass of primitive datatype conversion functions such as double-to-integer, integer-to-double, *-from-string, *-to-string, etc. May be used for non-standard datatype conversion functions as well. A datatype conversion function takes one argument of a given type and converts that argument to another given type.
    $Id: $