Class IssuedToNonIssuedCopyingLaxXacmlAttributeParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE>

  • Type Parameters:
    INPUT_ATTRIBUTE - type of raw input attribute object (not yet parsed into AuthzForce internal model), typically from original XACML Request, e.g. JAXB-annotated Attribute for XACML/XML request, or JSON object for XACML/JSON request

    public final class IssuedToNonIssuedCopyingLaxXacmlAttributeParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE>
    extends XacmlRequestAttributeParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE,​MutableAttributeBag<?>>
    This XACML Attribute parser copies the values of Attributes having an Issuer to the corresponding Attributes without Issuer (same Category, AttributeId...) in the result attribute map. This is a way to comply with XACML 3.0, ยง5.29 that says on <AttributeDesignator> evaluation: "If the Issuer is not present in the attribute designator, then the matching of the attribute to the named attribute SHALL be governed by AttributeId and DataType attributes alone."
    • Method Detail

      • copyIssuedAttributeValuesToNonIssued

        protected boolean copyIssuedAttributeValuesToNonIssued​(AttributeFqn attributeFQN)
        Decide whether to copy values of attributes with Issuer to attributes with same category and ID but null Issuer
        true iff the caller is required to make the copy
      • parseNamedAttribute

        public final void parseNamedAttribute​(String attributeCategoryId,
                                              INPUT_ATTRIBUTE inputXacmlAttribute,
                                              net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler xPathCompiler,
                                              Map<AttributeFqn,​MutableAttributeBag<?>> attributeMap)
                                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Description copied from class: XacmlRequestAttributeParser
        Parse a given named attribute.
        Specified by:
        parseNamedAttribute in class XacmlRequestAttributeParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE,​MutableAttributeBag<?>>
        attributeCategoryId - attribute category ID
        inputXacmlAttribute - input attribute object (not yet parsed into AuthzForce internal model), typically from original XACML request
        xPathCompiler - XPath compiler for compiling/evaluating XPath expressions in values, such as XACML xpathExpressions
        attributeMap - request attribute map to be updated by the result of parsing inputXacmlAttribute
        IllegalArgumentException - if parsing of the inputXacmlAttribute failed because of invalid syntax, e.g. invalid datatype or mixing different datatypes