Class SingleCategoryAttributes<AV_BAG extends Iterable<? extends AttributeValue>,​RETURNED_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>

  • Type Parameters:
    AV_BAG - type of bag of attribute values
    RETURNED_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY - type of corresponding attribute Category output containing only the subset of this category-specific attributes that had IncludeInResult = 'true' in the XACML request
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SingleCategoryAttributes<AV_BAG extends Iterable<? extends AttributeValue>,​RETURNED_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<Map.Entry<AttributeFqn,​AttributeBag<?>>>
    Internal equivalent of XACML Attributes element, i.e. attributes specific to a single category
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleCategoryAttributes

        public SingleCategoryAttributes​(String categoryId,
                                        Set<Map.Entry<AttributeFqn,​AV_BAG>> namedAttributes,
                                        SingleCategoryAttributes.NamedAttributeIteratorConverter<AV_BAG> namedAttributeIteratorConverter,
                                        RETURNED_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY returnedAttributeCategory,
                                        net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode extraContent)
                                 throws IllegalArgumentException
        Instantiates this class
        categoryId - category ID
        namedAttributes - Named attributes (in the XACML sense) where each entry consists of the identifier of the attribute and its value bag
        namedAttributeIteratorConverter - converts the iterator of namedAttributes into constant-valued attribute iterator
        returnedAttributeCategory - corresponding attribute Category output containing only the subset of this category-specific attributes that had IncludeInResult = 'true' in the XACML request
        extraContent - Attributes/Content parsed into XPath data model for XPath evaluation
        IllegalArgumentException - iff namedAttributes != null && !namedAttributes.isEmpty() && namedAttributeIteratorConverter == null (namedAttributeIteratorConverter required if namedAttributes not null/empty)
    • Method Detail

      • getCategoryId

        public String getCategoryId()
        Gets the category ID
        category ID
      • getExtraContent

        public net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode getExtraContent()
        Gets the Content parsed into XPath data model for XPath evaluation; or null if no Content
        the Content in XPath data model
      • getAttributesToIncludeInResult

        public RETURNED_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY getAttributesToIncludeInResult()
        Get corresponding attribute Category output containing only the subset of this category-specific attributes that had IncludeInResult = 'true' in the XACML request
        the attributes to include in the final Result; null if nothing to include