Class AttributeDatatype<AV extends AttributeValue>

  • Type Parameters:
    AV - value type

    public final class AttributeDatatype<AV extends AttributeValue>
    extends PrimitiveDatatype<AV>
    AttributeValue datatype, i.e. in the XACML context, a datatype of any value that may be used for a request attribute, AttributeValue in a policy, or a response's attribute assignment
    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributeDatatype

        public AttributeDatatype​(Class<AV> instanceClass,
                                 String id,
                                 String functionIdPrefix)
                          throws NullPointerException
        Datatype constructor
        instanceClass - (non-null) Java class used as implementation for this datatype, i.e. all values of this datatype are instances of valueClass.
        id - (non-null) datatype ID
        functionIdPrefix - (non-null) prefix of ID of any standard generic (e.g. bag/set) function built on this datatype, e.g. 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string' for string datatype
        NullPointerException - if instanceClass == null || id == null || functionIdPrefix == null.
    • Method Detail

      • getEmptyBag

        public Bag<AV> getEmptyBag()
        Gets empty bag
        empty bag
      • getBagDatatype

        public BagDatatype<AV> getBagDatatype()
        Gets corresponding bag datatype (that a bag of this primitive datatype would have)
        corresponding bag datatype