Interface IndividualXacmlRequestFactory<R extends DecisionRequest,​INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - type of I/O-dependent Individual DecisionRequest built by this builder in the context of Multiple Decision Request, e.g. XACML/XML, XACML/JSON...
    INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY - type of input attribute category in original I/O format, e.g. JAXB Attributes class for XACML/XML input, or JSON object for XACML/JSON input.

    public interface IndividualXacmlRequestFactory<R extends DecisionRequest,​INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>
    Individual DecisionRequest builder used in the context of Multiple Decision Request processing for specific type of I/O format, e.g. XACML/XML, XACML/JSON.... Used especially for DecisionRequestPreprocessor implementations supporting the Multiple Decision Profile, in particular MultipleXacmlRequestPreprocHelper.
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        R newInstance​(ImmutableDecisionRequest pdpEngineIndividualRequest,
            <INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY> inputAttributeCategory)
        Creates immutable decision request suitable for the targeted I/O format
        pdpEngineIndividualRequest - I/O-agnostic individual decision request for natively supported by the core PDP engine
        inputAttributeCategory - original I/O-specific input attribute category
        I/O-specific individual decision request