Class TimeValue

    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeValue

        public TimeValue​(String time)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new TimeAttributeValue from a string representation of time
        time - string representation of time
        IllegalArgumentException - if time is not a valid string representation of xs:time
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static TimeValue getInstance​(XMLGregorianCalendar timeCalendar)
        Creates a new instance from a Calendar
        timeCalendar - a XMLGregorianCalendar object representing the specified time; beware that this method creates an internal copy of timeCalendar (to prevent modification of timeCalendar and any external modification of the created instance's internal copy) before unsetting all date fields (year, month, day): e.g. for the year, calendarCopy.setYear(DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED)
        new instance
        IllegalArgumentException - if calendar == null