Class YearMonthDurationValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AttributeValue, PrimitiveValue, Value

    public final class YearMonthDurationValue
    extends DurationValue<YearMonthDurationValue>
    Representation of a xs:yearMonthDuration value. This class supports parsing xs:yearMonthDuration values. All objects of this class are immutable and thread-safe. The choice of the Java type Duration is based on JAXB schema-to-Java mapping spec: and documentation of javax.xml.datatype package.
    $Id: $
    • Constructor Detail

      • YearMonthDurationValue

        public YearMonthDurationValue​(String value)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Instantiates year-month duration from string representation of xs:dayTimeDuration value.
        value - a string representing the desired duration
        IllegalArgumentException - if value is not a valid string representation of xs:dayTimeDuration