Interface DecisionRequest

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ImmutableDecisionRequest, IndividualXacmlJaxbRequest

    public interface DecisionRequest
    Individual (in the sense of Multiple Decision Profile of XACML) authorization decision request used as input to PDP engine in AuthzForce-native model, for evaluating the policy decision. In particular, this does NOT include the IncludeInResult parameter because the policy evaluation does not depend on it. The attributes with IncludeInResult=true are returned in the Result, no matter what the decision is.

    One interesting use case for this class is decision caching that would consist to map a DecisionRequest to a DecisionResult.

    All derived classes are required to implement Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() to allow optimal decision caching (where instances of this class are used as keys) in PDP DecisionCache extensions

    • Method Detail

      • getCreationTimestamp

        Instant getCreationTimestamp()
        Returns the request object creation timestamp. May be used to set one of XACML current-* attributes.
        this object creation timestamp
      • getNamedAttributes<AttributeFqn,​AttributeBag<?>> getNamedAttributes()
        Get named attributes by name
        map of attribute name-value pairs, maybe empty - but NEVER NULL - if none (but getExtraContentsByCategory() result may not be empty)
      • getExtraContentsByCategory<String,​net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode> getExtraContentsByCategory()
        Get Attributes/Contents (parsed into XDM data model for XPath evaluation) by attribute category
        XML Content nodes by category, maybe empty - but NEVER NULL - if none (but getNamedAttributes() result may not be empty)
      • isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned

        boolean isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned()
        Get ReturnPolicyIdList flag
        true iff original XACML Request's ReturnPolicyIdList == true