Interface CombiningAlg.Evaluator

    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        ExtendedDecision evaluate​(EvaluationContext context,
                                  Optional<EvaluationContext> mdpContext,
                                  UpdatableList<PepAction> updatablePepActions,
                                  UpdatableList<PrimaryPolicyMetadata> updatableApplicablePolicyIdList)
        Runs the combining algorithm in a specific evaluation context
        context - the Individual Decision request evaluation context
        mdpContext - the context of the Multiple Decision request that the context belongs to if the Multiple Decision Profile is used.
        updatablePepActions - output collection where to add the obligation/advice elements returned by the evaluations of the combined elements, if any
        updatableApplicablePolicyIdList - output list where to add policies found "applicable" during evaluation if context.isApplicablePolicyIdListRequested(). See EvaluationContext.isApplicablePolicyIdListRequested() for a definition of "applicable" in this context. The caller must set this to null iff !context.isApplicablePolicyIdListRequested() (the list of applicable policies is not requested).
        combined result