Interface CombiningAlg<T extends Decidable>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - type of combined element (Policy, Rule...)
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CombiningAlg<T extends Decidable>
    extends PdpExtension
    Combining algorithm. In combining policies, obligations and advice must be handled correctly. Specifically, no obligation/advice may be included in the Result that doesn't match the permit/deny decision being returned. So, if INDETERMINATE or NOT_APPLICABLE is the returned decision, no obligations/advice may be included in the result. If the decision of the combining algorithm is PERMIT or DENY, then obligations/advice with a matching fulfillOn/AppliesTo effect are also included in the result.
    • Method Detail

      • getCombinedElementType

        Class<T> getCombinedElementType()
        Get to know whether this is a policy/policySet or rule-combining algorithm
        the combinedElementType